Originally Posted by Scas View Post
In my opinion Tryndamere and Akali are still the most OP champions.
When we had a jungler i had to play sololane against them as GP. It was a nightmare.

I can lock down a tryndamere or an akali as blitzcrank. They tear shit up if left unchecked, so you just gotta keep them under control with heavy cc and ruining their positioning. Blitzcrank excels at all of that.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Scas
had to play sololane against them as Pirate..

That was the problem^^ I harrassed them pretty well, but our jungler was fail too, died in jungle 4 times, was level 5 when i was level 9, and never came to gank >.<
Originally Posted by Scas View Post
In my opinion Tryndamere and Akali are still the most OP champions.

They cannot do shit against Singed. Singed is that one champion that can run into the enemy base, lure an entire team out, participate in an 8 second team fight (because people tunnel vision Singed), acquire a pentakill and still have full health afterwards and not launch a single attack.
Last edited by Hippybob; Oct 24, 2011 at 06:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Scas View Post
That was the problem^^ I harrassed them pretty well, but our jungler was fail too, died in jungle 4 times, was level 5 when i was level 9, and never came to gank >.<

Well then, why would you call the other champion op if you lost because your jungle sucked?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
i know what you mean, i normally also hold back of saying "OP-Champ" just because they were extremely good for one game. But in my opinion Akali and Trynda are really pretty op.
They both do only get good in mid and lategame but they are always good, also nearly no matter if the player is good or not.
Omg....I want to play if you have any team please...



Originally Posted by Scas
That was the problem^^ I harrassed them pretty well, but our jungler was fail too, died in jungle 4 times, was level 5 when i was level 9, and never came to gank >.<

If you want a good jungler just add me =]
akali and trynda = not op ... end of story
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
akali and trynda = not op ... end of story

Akali= Oracle.
trynda= stun him when he's on 1/4 health.
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Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
akali and trynda = not op ... end of story

Well it's all just a matter of opinion. Akali is pretty damn powerful midgame, and Tryndamere is just a nuisance with his ultimate but I wouldn't call him op. Tryndamere's ultimate just has too long of a cooldown and it's not like he can really fight very well without it, he's a bit squishy since he has to build crit. The only champion I would call op at the moment would be Lee Sin.
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