black you better help us win clan league lol.

Also we're against a random clan called "danger!" in round 1. It looks like only 1 member is active in their clan so we'll probably win round 1 by default if we show an effort to play.

Whhat, toribash exist in 1966? Ok cool :v
Also black, change that 456654 <--- legend name
Into my new nick :3
u wot m8
I actually feel pretty confident with you guys, but what else would I expect from elites.
Going in game now finally got the pc to myself.
Originally Posted by Sniper View Post
Whhat, toribash exist in 1966? Ok cool :v
Also black, change that 456654 <--- legend name
Into my new nick :3

IKR man

Originally Posted by Sniper View Post
Now Im back and lost all of my technique :c

i too '.'