Originally Posted by ofCannibis View Post
"I don't know how to remove tag"
Clans tab> find your name > quit
How come you haven't looked?

Ghost has been in Ultimate the whole new clan system & i'm sure some of the old one, it's understandable he doesn't know how to remove the tag. (I don't either, for any of the clan systems)

Vendoor, your app lacks info.
@formo: yes.
@GHOST: yes.
@Secrecy: i've heard bad things about you, no.
Last edited by Haku; Feb 4, 2014 at 01:50 AM.
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

Im neutral for Ghost because in-game hes pretty cool but the fact that he c/p an app brought me away from a yes. Its not a no, but its not a yes. Also, I forgot to mention that I say yes to ninjahead. No to secrecy as I've heard bad things about him just like torio has.
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo
Name: Dillon, but people call me Kazumae, kazu, or kaze
Age:17 years old
Belt:Blue Belt
GMT:Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00)
Past Clans:Critical

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any):KazeNoStigma (6th Dan Black Belt)

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): Yes, I can spar but i've only just started. Ill provide 3 replays but, there not soo good.

About Yourself: Im the type of guy who loves to stay in shape. I do Taekwondo as a 1st degree black belt. I coordinate my Taekwondo into Parkour and Freerunning, as in ButterFly Kicks, Round Offs, Screw Flips, and ect. I love the outdoors, rainy or sunny days. I adapt and learn very easily with almost anything and usually enjoy doing it.

(Question by DrunkenMonkey): How many boats can you fit in your butt?
Zero, maybe 1 if u try hard enough. (dont force it though)

(Question by Yusi): If someone touches you, and you liked it, is it considered rape?
If shoving a boat in someones ass is considered rape then i'd probably go with yes.
I apoligize i posted one of my brothers replays. (truthful)
Attached Files
Spar with Haiketo.rpl (875.7 KB, 7 views)
Sparing with Brony.rpl (243.5 KB, 7 views)
Spar HandSping.rpl (44.0 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Nollidw; Feb 5, 2014 at 01:51 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Name: Tristan Lee Corner
Age: I am 23
Belt: 2nd Dan
GMT: Mountain/Pacific time (Oregon USA)
Past Clans: Shade, USMC (I made USMC)

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): None.

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): Not really but im learning.

About Yourself: There is not much to say... But I have been playing toribash for a few years now. I decided to try out for GM. I don't know if i will be accepted, but it's worth a shot. I am on Toribash EVERY DAY. So I am very active. I started toribash because i have always been trying to find a martial arts fighting game and have finally found one i love. I believe Evolution can really help me succeed in toribash and i believe i can help Evolution. I dont know how yet but ill find something out.
2.Age-Возраст:11-eleven coming soon 12 age-скоро 12 лет
5.В прошлом кланы-In the past clans:Titan
6.(Вопрос DrunkenMonkey): Сколько лодок вы сможете уместить в задницу?-(Question DrunkenMonkey): How many boats can you fit in the ass?:One-Одна!
7.(Вопрос Yusi): Если кто-то прикасается к вам, и она вам понравилась, считается ли изнасилование?-(Question To): If someone touches you, and you liked it, is it considered rape?:No-Нет!
My toribash name is:Avrum My real name is Damjan;
Im 11 but im really good at sparring!
Im brown belt
I have CET not GMT
(Brutal) Brutal Fighter League my past clan
How do you mean by a player card?
Yes i can
Answers:100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000 boats
No ill wont consider it as a rape
Attached Files
AVrum loses again.rpl (934.6 KB, 4 views)
Avrum vs Baby.rpl (967.4 KB, 6 views)
Avrum vs Pear.rpl (851.8 KB, 3 views)
Avrum wins again.rpl (335.0 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Avrum; Feb 5, 2014 at 11:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Name: David
Age: 12
Belt: Orange
GMT: -05:00
Past Clans: None

Player Card: xPiano

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): I used to have a black belt, then he got hacked

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): I dunno

About Yourself: I play alot..

How many boats can you fit in your butt? I can fit 2 boats in my butt.

If someone touches you, and you liked it, is it considered rape? Uh..