lol rip all rank me up to leader also people feel that these words are nice to hear and say so we jsut say them anyway
Welcome me back maybe?
Hello my name is XxGamerzz or Gamer you can call me whichever you like and I am here to apply for Ultimate. I am a second dan black belt with 2932 QI. My preffered mods are aikido.tbm, greykido.tbm, aikidobigdojo.tbm, wushu3.tbm, lenshu3.tbm, rk-mma.tbm, xspar.tbm, and almost any parkour map. My past clans include Beta(It Died) Nitro(I left because I didn't fit in with them) and Ascend(No longer needed my help towards their clan). I think I would make a nice addition to Ultimate because I'm a nice person, forum active, and skilled in-game. Here are some of my replays that I think are pretty good.(Uke vs. Gamer was originally done in Multiplayer but the other player had left so I edited it in Singeplayer)

[Class-G] Uke vs. Gamer.rpl
[Class-G] Fatality in Aikido.rpl
[Class-G] Incapacitated.rpl
[Class-G] Gamer vs. SamF1ynn.rpl
[Class-G] Subzero vs. Gamer 3.rpl

Thank you for reading my application

[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
Message to [u]
Alright guys, these alts that are in our clan are getting out of control. As of now, for whoever has an alt in here, you have 24hrs to remove them or I will. If we abuse our invite power, I will have no other choice then to take that option away.

Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
Happy Birthday Beta! Or happy late birthday, if I am too late.
