For your first replay, the beginning was quite interesting even your movement was a bit random there. It was pretty bad when you changed your move direction then did that kick. the kick byitself was also not special. But from frame 230 until the end it was really good. The boom was impressive and the punch was flowing nicely. The punch could be done better. Also watch your stiff leg, it looked stiff. Pose wasn't that special though.

on your second replay it was really impressive. Your movement in the beginning was pretty good. You did the split nicely and the boom was awesome, really clean man. The transition to the next one was alright. The next boom was quite destructive and solid. But your leg was pretty awkward after did that kind. The kick will also look better if it was smoother. But still an impressive kick though. Pose wasn't special.

For your last replay, It wasn't impress me. Boom wasn't aim that good and it was pretty boring. pose wasn't that good too.

So Overall you're great, even your movement still pretty stiff there and there. replace the third replay with the other replay and I will give my desicion.

Will judge Death9535 and Dscigs later.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."