Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
I would much rather be in a mature clan than immature clan. Not sure if I am just speaking for myself here or if other people agree. But I think this clan needs to really get it's shit together maturity wise. It's always the immature that spam. They are also the ones giving the bad name to the clan. Personally, I think if the clan continues being a cesspit for immaturity to breed in. Then, I don't think the clan will last more than 6 months.

However, I know you guys are better than that. In the end, I hope everything fixes out. We do have a lot of work to do to shake the bad rep. But first, deal with members. Then can deal with other people's opinions.

First of all, you're correct. This clan is going south - maturity wise. And I really don't see some people getting out a rut deeper than hell itself. Our reputation, or whatever doesn't even matter. You can't change people's opinions but as you said, and I agree upon, we need to mold our members into something, well, worth seeing and talking to. We're not at all what we should be and sometimes you have to fully discipline the members to correct where they've gone.

First order of business was taken care of, the talk thread. Now we have to remove useless people, threads, and whatnot to an extent. Wolid excluded. And guys, there is not a 'most hated' clan on TB. Rivals are rivals and kids get butt-hurt-jealousness going all about them. Just ignore haters and laugh at their ignorance.

p.s - i luv my avvy
Last edited by hobo; Mar 2, 2013 at 04:12 AM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
I want to help out then ;o
A tournament seems like a good structured event to kick start this new mature business.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
That would probably be a good start if you guys want to put yourselves back into the not Shitty-Immature-Retard-Clan area. Yeah, really, do that.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Originally Posted by Hobomoose View Post
Seems like activity is coming to a halt.
And we will keep being awesome, zapekk.

Seems that way, especially after our memberlist has been virtually halved. Probably should recruit, I've been busy today though.

Originally Posted by fuzeboy23 View Post
Yeah Hobo I noticed the drop in activity.
If this place died I already have a backup plan.

I'm pretty sure our activity is "normal" for official clans. Just not normal for us.

Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
This is normal activity.
Nothing's going to happen.

Ok, then?

Originally Posted by Hobomoose View Post
Normal activity is better than this.
And I don't have a backup plan since I hope for the best.

Read Above^
I'm not the only one that can recruit.

Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Yeah, it usually is a bit more active than this. But that could be due to all of those people leaving.

Also, why is Ave still a mod? Shouldn't we remove him from it? While Inf is deciding who to put in that position. Lol

Erth will swap ave out with whoever I choose to get mod. Honestly right now, It's leaning towards Iso (With a promotion). Still not 100% though.

Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
Yeah, probably the leaving people. At leased you guys are still a bit more active than my clan :P

Now that's just sad.

Originally Posted by LagSwitch View Post
I've just gotten back into music production, so my activity has been a little bit off.

Plus the "forum moderation" killed our fun.

(2 sentences liek a baw5)

Make me a non-ear bleeding Kiai.

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
I don't see what's fun about people being stupid, spamming useless shit everywhere and generally being childish - That's what in-game is for.

Forums are for being more "Formal" (pun intended). Which means, less childish shit and more paying attention to what you are saying.

Except for you know, The Wolid thread.

Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
I think the three word story should be closed down.
It's attracting them to that and nothing else.
It's probably where the immaturity is.

Let me get this straight, you want me to close a thread saying it's immature when the people posting (Soap, you, sometimes me, mr.potatohead) are the ones making it so? That makes no sense. If you want it to be better, don't go writing Dicks-a-plenty in it.

Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
Yeah I agree, kinda gone to shit. I mean Simon did a better job until he went power mad.


Originally Posted by LagSwitch View Post
Or maybe the fact that 80% of us are under the age of 16?

I mean, immaturity got us this far, right?

I don't mind being in the most hated clan in TB. Me gots some reps. Plus that thread is hilarious to read.

Most hated > most liked.

Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
I believe the most hated clan would be [pwr]. Also yeah like 60% or the population of TB is under 16 so obviously there would be immaturity.


Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
I would much rather be in a mature clan than immature clan. Not sure if I am just speaking for myself here or if other people agree. But I think this clan needs to really get it's shit together maturity wise. It's always the immature that spam. They are also the ones giving the bad name to the clan. Personally, I think if the clan continues being a cesspit for immaturity to breed in. Then, I don't think the clan will last more than 6 months.

However, I know you guys are better than that. In the end, I hope everything fixes out. We do have a lot of work to do to shake the bad rep. But first, deal with members. Then can deal with other people's opinions.

But I like our rep. :<

Originally Posted by Hobomoose View Post
I want to help out then ;o
A tournament seems like a good structured event to kick start this new mature business.

I think that could be arranged, no allies and a 10k prize perhaps? Ideas?
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Sounds perfect to me.
Also am I eligible to post a app for mod?
Even though my chances of success are 0 to -9001
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
I agree with the maturity thing. We need to keep the sticky threads formal and not be idiots.

Removing the 3 word story thread would do nothing. It's a thread meant for stupid bullshit. It's like saying to remove the off topic thread because people are going off topic in it.
Originally Posted by Hobomoose View Post
Sounds perfect to me.
Also am I eligible to post a app for mod?
Even though my chances of success are 0 to -9001

You can, although I'm pretty sure it wouldn't change my mind from the other potential applicants.
Suprisingly though, the offtopic thread is more on topic than the three word story, go figure.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Nvm, I gave up all hope.
When should we start making up this tourney?
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
l'll write something up in a bit here. Probably like 10k abd tourney, allies MIGHT be able to enter for 1k-2k (not sure yet), free for members.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]