Originally Posted by apple21 View Post
Just as a question approximately how long will this take?

I do not know. HAVE PATIENCE.
Well, the only people I know that can invite at the current time being is probably Akmal, Noah, Virtue, and Rayleigh(maybe)

Also, Rayleigh we've been letting them post around before sending an invite.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
Well, the only people I know that can invite at the current time being is probably Akmal, Noah, Virtue, and Rayleigh(maybe)

Also, Rayleigh we've been letting them post around before sending an invite.

Yeah, I keep forgetting to add that to the response.
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Hai.
Age (optional): 15.
Where do you live? (optional): Brazil.
What belt are you?: White.
Where do you want to improve?: Tk.
Favorite mods: Aikido & Judo.
Why do you want to join?: Because i saw every new "toribashian" came to this clan, because he is so good, you guys help us new players to upgrade our skills, and is that what i wan't, start good in this game, with a clan who can help me with my skills.
New Account Muricate :*.
Did you read the red messages above this application:hai
where do you live:USA
where do you want to improve:akido and wushu
what belt are you:white
why do u want to join:i would like to be a better player and i would like to start a new carreer in toribash
favorite modes:wushu
Did you read the red messages above this application?:hai
Age (optional):11
Where do you live? (optional):bemgium
What belt are you?:blue
Where do you want to improve?:free running
Favorite mods:wushu
Why do you want to join?:because i wan'tto have some help with the parour and iwant to be a part of this clan

and if i am ready for it i would like to be a teacher so tell me if i can
Last edited by diddeke; Apr 13, 2012 at 05:25 PM.
if ya read this ya maybe reading to much and wastin' ya time
Did you read the red messages above this application?:hai
Where do you live?:Would rather not say
What belt are you?:White
Where do you want to improve?:Marketing
Favorite mods:Aikido
Why do you want to join?:I would love a new clan

I realize it now i feel stupid :X
Originally Posted by 9000k View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?:hai
Where do you live?:Would rather not say
What belt are you?:White
Where do you want to improve?:Marketing
Favorite mods:Aikido
Why do you want to join?:I would love a new clan

I realize it now i feel stupid :X

Why do u feel so stupid?
Originally Posted by calvin4133 View Post
Why do u feel so stupid?

Sorry supervisors, just had to tell this guy,
According to the bleu rules, you are not allowed to keep posting here. So please refrain yourself and if you have questions, go to the help center or message the supervisors, this is no place for conversation, it'll just make your invite take longer