Awesome spar d3, and nice textures
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide
koolwhip was for report me of a scam that was 28k for his full128+tex he send me the items with the tex then i was sayin that i cant wear it it was his art,then he enter to spam some thread sayin to get back his tex in the [psy]tori pic thread we try to stop him spam the thread,other thing in his b-day he always was wanting for a gift he never put some important post here blah blah.
:> thank you guys. And yes now I am clanless :/ my old clans died.

I applied for [SyN] but the leader hates me I don't know why :/

I think I am going to stay like this without a clan. It is better for now. thank you for your interest :]

Do you like my new avatar ? I love it that guy is so sexy, I can't stop staring at him :P lol
I hope u will join Psy bro. :3
U said that u love Psy, so u must join this clan bro!! :3