Hit me up:
Oneonezero: is my lvl 85 PvE night elf mage on Wildhammer with an ilvl of 392
Strogdor: is my lvl 85 PvP/PvE (I use him for PvP mainly) Human DK also on wildhammer and I forget this toons ilvl, I think it was around the 390's though.
Lilbear: is my loving lvl 85 Dwarf hunter (still gearing him) also on Wildhammer
I have other toons at lvl 50-70's but I don't use them.
I will re-rolling an Alliance tank on darkspear for Mists of Pandaria if anybody wants to lvl with me just PM me, I do not have game time right now, but I am hoping to get enough money to buy some in the next week or two.
Ohyeah if they are any old WoW players out there I can send a ressurection scroll to you guys. With the scroll you get to chose a character to be lvl 80. Free upgrade to cataclysm. Also a free server change if wanted.
I'm back :)
Im starting again on Tuesday, on EU server, Twilight's Hammer.
I have a 85 blood elf paladin and a bunch of level 60 characters.

Im planning to level a druid so if anyone wants to quest together Pm me.
Lol people are still playing this game, reminds me of when i use to play Diablo. blizzard totally forgot about the game
Valor Clan
Originally Posted by Get4times2 View Post
Lol people are still playing this game, reminds me of when i use to play Diablo. blizzard totally forgot about the game

World of Warcraft is constantly updated. :s

Plus, Blizzard is releasing one of their biggest expansions to date soon with Mists of Pandaria. Definitely not forgotten, especially by Blizzard. It's still on top of the MMORPG players/sales.

Got my druid to 380 item level and did some raids with pubs/guild. Going to finish my complete int cloth heirloom set and level up a mage/warlock/priest (mage first).

got shoulders/robe/staff and trying to get 1.5k more guild rep for head and cape.