Originally Posted by Stonda2b View Post
I'm 12 years old,it's my first account,I can bring Skill,friendly and fun.I want to be at [vector] because it's one of the rare clan where Only the skill count,and i approve it.

Originally Posted by Hours View Post
bringing "skills" does not help our clan in any way.
however, if you somehow bring fame to the clan, that would be another thing.

please give us another thing you can bring.
Around 3.30 H because i have school and i play only at toribash,I can bring fun,creativity and happiness
Last edited by Stonda2b; Dec 25, 2013 at 05:40 AM.
Play with him in mp.
aikido - very bad:<
wushu and lenshu - hold all, never comeback, run.

Originally Posted by S1ade View Post
Yes from me too

Right now its no from me
Originally Posted by S1ade View Post
Play with him in mp.
aikido - very bad:<
wushu and lenshu - hold all, never comeback, run.

Right now its no from me

I don't run,and you're 8th so it's difficult
Plus we didn't even played at aikido
Last edited by Stonda2b; Dec 26, 2013 at 12:06 PM.
Originally Posted by S1ade View Post
Play with him in mp.

Actually, we're SP replaymaking and art based clan, remember? SO in MP it's something else and it doesn't count (if about reputation, then it is countable). Think about THAT.
█████ Vector █████
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lenshu is mod for replaymakers, I mean nice replaymaker should be nice at lenshu too, if Slade said that he doesn't comebacks and hold playing - it suck.
Declined, bye.
Yes towards to no, sorry man.
Originally Posted by patrickooo View Post
Actually, we're SP replaymaking and art based clan, remember? SO in MP it's something else and it doesn't count (if about reputation, then it is countable). Think about THAT.
