I'm Kohde. I don't really know what to put here, but i like aikido and judo, and i'm trying to improve in Wushu. If anyone wants to duel, or help if they're willing. I'd be more than happy.
Hy all!I'm cr0w3x,i came from Hungary,and I'M 16years old.I started the game yesterday and today I found this Clan.
Shigechio wrote I need to "post around" I don't know what he mean,so I wrote here
Hi. What I mean is that you have been accepted and now you are free to post around the board. But remember to not post useless content or to spam. After you have proved your activity, you will receive an invitation into the clan.

Hello all I'm Cody and I'm 13 whose 12 year old bro signed the application (but I play more) and i'm more than willing to go to the longest extent of time to learn something and overall get much better at aikido and alike.