Originally Posted by wannin View Post
Didn't I say no?

What do you mean by that?
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Originally Posted by KROOK View Post
Didn't I say no?

What do you mean by that?
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Unnamed 666, i said no because of him not knowing english and not understanding it like at all so why is he accepted?
Name: Boragoom
Belt: ...... Orange
Fav Mod: Wushu, Judo, Jousting, Aikido, Twinsword.
GMT: whats a GMT?
Why u to want join: I really want to be in this clan
Best mod: Judo, Twinsword, Wushu
Past clan(s): None
Msn Or Yahoo: ...............................................I don't have a E-mail....

I Know you probably wont let me join because I'm an Orange Belt, But I promise you, I'm good. Just Test me or fight me and I'll prove to you that I'm good.....
I'm not sure Boragoom. You have to be at least a blue belt to join this clan... and the belt limit use to be brown, the only reason it was reduced was because of me lol, but anyway thats not the point, Look buddy, I would love to give you a chance to show me how GOOD you are, but ... well being a orange belt, your expectations will be high. And, well I cant really do anything till the clan leaders ( KROOK or Wannin ) give me permission to test you. Anyway we're just going to have to wait till they post on here.
This acc is dead
I would say that you are too low to enter, please come back till you are blue!
Though you could make some replays to show how good you are with uke!

And KROOK, UnNaMeD666 posts really well! He uses google translator! At least he understands the main idea of what we are saying!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Name: SpeedNfs
Belt: Browney. Almost Blackey.
Fav Mod: Judo
GMT: Universal GMT
Why u want join: Rainboweye invited meh
Best mod: I'm crap at all mods!
Past clan(s): None.
Msn Or Yahoo: None.

Btw PM meh pwakz? I don't l0ok @ forumz much.
Oh and i'm Rassian but wth I don't have a Russi4n k3yb04rd.
Last edited by SpeedNfs; Jul 2, 2009 at 03:02 PM.