Originally Posted by Ostakex View Post
You're in another clan.
@Castra: These are his alts TLODAdmin TLODBank TLODBank Lollero Gigglered lolli123
A shitload of logins from TLODAdmin and TLODBank

I only have one alt that I never use, Dudewert, but HOLY SHEET THATS ALOT OF ALTS
I'm Back Baby
NAME:bijon(real name Travino Thomas i am 17 and i live in the U.S.A a funny thing also is that i was born in the bahamas whis in in the atlantic ocean and im applying for this clan)
EXPERIENCE: well experienced I have been playing toribash for a long time
MODS: great at parkour mods judo akido boxing and ninjitsu also wushu
WHY I WANT TO JOIN: I saw a clan video online and always wanted the chance to join and become a part of this clan
HOW MUCH I PLAY: pratically every day after school and weekends when im home
TALENTS: great ideas love making parkour replays and loves to spar

WHY I WOULD BE GOOD FOR THIS CLAN: I think i would be good for this clan because i will do my best to make this clan more popular and able to find new members if needed that are very experienced

EXTRA: I know that i am a brow belt and that is frowned upon but i was inactive for a while because my computer crashed but i got a new one

PREVIOUS ACC: i had a previous account named bijon also befor the hack and then i started over with the same name (just so you may know)

REPLAYS: hope you enjoy
Attached Files
decap.rpl (46.2 KB, 5 views)
mee.rpl (180.3 KB, 4 views)
pd break.rpl (68.6 KB, 4 views)
walked off.rpl (46.7 KB, 4 views)
pure-bijon run.rpl (416.3 KB, 4 views)
Hello guys, I would like to join Atlantic because i heard much from you guys and trials rejected me when i was a too low belt (Black) Here is some basic information:
Name:SebbyxP (Whole name is Sebastiaan Alexander Broers but whatever).
7th Dan Black Belt.
Good Mods:
Aikido, Wushu_pro, Jousting, Parkour.
Why i would like to join you: Because i used to be fan of this earlier and i would like to be in a nice clan which has good people.
Forum activity:For clans always. Just havent ruled some clans. (My clan with most posts got deleted so i have less posts)

P.S.: Officiality is also worth it
P.P.S.: The account sebbyxB is not mine, it was someone who tried to get me down when an admin was there
Last edited by sebbyxP; May 6, 2011 at 09:15 AM. Reason: Forum activity
Neutral. Trials has so high standards :<
Crap app also.
Last edited by Ostakex; May 6, 2011 at 11:19 AM.
The curtains were fucking blue!!!