Originally Posted by XxGamerzz View Post
I never applied to your clan, and its a code fish did I put in my signature to say your name. Now, Im pretty sure I never applied to a clan you were in and might be mistaken with someone else. Also you dont have to share a moment to be in a sig, I only put that there so it looks like there name is displayed.

im checking , and that code trolled me again ,-, but i see you apply for other clans at the same time .



you applied for xp , them past 11 days and you applied for horde , but Experience didnt invite you yet , until you got rejected by horde , you waited for xp to invite you , lame.

Also the 21st of august on Experience recruitment thread(page 2) you say you will be patient and the next day you applied for horde.

This means You not are Loyal to clans so here is another reason for y EPIC BIG NO
Last edited by Jenson; Sep 27, 2014 at 05:04 PM.
Originally Posted by SuBZ3rO3 View Post
Not to be rude or anything but he just quit XP and xp is in his sig. he also has other clans like me but its been a month that im clanless so im not hopping

If you saw my application I cleary stated I quit due to inactivity. Also you didnt mention your own clan cypher which you quit to join Ascend. In fact now that I look at your app it says nothing about past clans. So I'll tell them for you. He first started off In Fc and quit because he tried applying for UrbanUnit. He was denied then made his own clan. After he made his own clan he ended up leaving it for Ascend. (I was a co-leader at the time.) He was extremely rude towards me so I kicked him from Ascend. After that he joined 2 other clans, unfortunately I do not remember the other one but he joined I believe something dragons. Almost forgot, between that time period he also applied for Rawr. Just thought Id let you know.
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
Originally Posted by XxGamerzz View Post
If you saw my application I cleary stated I quit due to inactivity. Also you didnt mention your own clan cypher which you quit to join Ascend. In fact now that I look at your app it says nothing about past clans. So I'll tell them for you. He first started off In Fc and quit because he tried applying for UrbanUnit. He was denied then made his own clan. After he made his own clan he ended up leaving it for Ascend. (I was a co-leader at the time.) He was extremely rude towards me so I kicked him from Ascend. After that he joined 2 other clans, unfortunately I do not remember the other one but he joined I believe something dragons. Almost forgot, between that time period he also applied for Rawr. Just thought Id let you know.

check the post above you .
saying yes to xxgamer because he is a nice guy and don't insult jensson who's harassing him

i would have insulted him and ruin his life if he talked to me like that

please jensson stop being 13 for a minute and go back to mind your own business

EDIT i call that harassing
Last edited by Kamy; Sep 27, 2014 at 05:18 PM.
I will be loyal, trust me. And if you don't maybe you could put me on an extended trial period? That way you could see if you do not fully trust me yet.
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
the other 2 clans dont exist but im not stating that u should not get in

and you got my clan order wrong : i was in FC. i left for cypher(my own clan) things didnt work out and i joined ascend(after quite some time) u were trolling me saying that i was gonna get kicked so i had no other chance then to leave. and im here. applying for ultimate
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Someone clean up this thread please.

STOP POSTING IDIOTIC POSTS HERE, they go in PM dudes. I might revoke my yes to both members.
ok i think ill say yes to subz3r3 as trail and we will see the loyality he talked about
Welcome me back maybe?