Yeah I am done here. I will say this. Poppo is a human being. He makes mistakes. But sometimes we make mistakes that are too big. Sometimes we fuck up WAY to much. There is a punishment for that, because that fucking up needs correction. Unfortunately, that time is now. I am sorry Poppo, but it needs to happen. I am done with Fyre.

poppo361 Moderated Message:
You know this means no more posting here, right? Good luck in finding another clan.
Last edited by poppo361; Feb 17, 2012 at 02:42 AM.
Poppo, yes, we've all contributed to this shit. So you and I, as well as bruce, dag, skull, and whoever else. We've stood together as a team, and we'll fall as one too. But we don't have to, there's always a choice. The choice is yours to make.
Fusionman, you'll get your own rank. The 'saved the clan from killing eachother and devouring eachother souls' rank. Oh, and we should clean up the last few pages. Don't want ulti to see any of this.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
Fusionman, you'll get your own rank. The 'saved the clan from killing eachother and devouring eachother souls' rank. Oh, and we should clean up the last few pages. Don't want ulti to see any of this.

Its k. He knows all about it. And I took screenies.
Skull, this is exactly what I'm saying, you're just bringing this whole thing down even more, NOT something this clan needs right now. Though you have your reasons, that is irrelevant to the fact. We've all made mistakes, we all need to own up to them. DON'T Blame Poppo, this was brought upon by me, so blame me if anyone.
Fusionman, it's not your fault. It's the tension between people who hate me, and me. Oh, and now we have 2 more spaces to fill. How about you help me recruit, fusionman?
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
Fusionman, it's not your fault. It's the tension between people who hate me, and me. Oh, and now we have 2 more spaces to fill. How about you help me recruit, fusionman?

I'll be finding another clan sooner than you think, "friend".
I would do so, but I got shit to do. IRL shit, I'll be on tomorrow a heluva lot, same with this weekend. I might be on a little later though.