Well, clanless isn't an bad idea for you apex, you're an great member, you can join in better clans in the future.
Anyway good luck for what you're doing.

Sainz your grammar sucks.

And apex, what you are saying doesn't help your case bro, you basically left ethr, app'd for phantom , left , app'd for reaper... all in like what? 2 weeks?
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
He made a bad decision.
Stop pulling him down for mistakes, just let it go.
Also, I'm not going to that link Ninja.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Why? :c

This made me lol.

What's your real name? : Cameron Robinson.
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : 3rd Dan, around 300 game's till 4th.
How long have you been playing? : Just about 6 month's.
Current Country / GMT? : New Zealand, don't know GMT. o.o
Former Clans? : Shadow (I was the leader), Escape, Legacy, Twist.
Why you left/got Kicked: Shadow left because it was to stressful for me, Escape the system glitched and it removed me, Legacy i left because it was to inactive, Twist left because it died.
Any Skills For the Clan? : Ingame activeness and forum wise as well.
How active are you forum-wise? : 8-10
How active are you In-game? : 9-10
Any Bans? : Yes, by requesting single allies = 1 day ban.
Any recent major infractions?: No
Any Alts? : Yes
If you have alts, list them here: DreamyBank
Did anyone refer you?: Nope
Will you follow the Rules?: Yes, definetly.
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) : I know alot of people in this clan, i hang out in Ethr lobby's a lot, most of you might know me.
Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
Why? :c

This made me lol.

What's your real name? : Cameron Robinson.
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : 3rd Dan, around 300 game's till 4th.
How long have you been playing? : Just about 6 month's.
Current Country / GMT? : New Zealand, don't know GMT. o.o
Former Clans? : Shadow (I was the leader), Escape, Legacy, Twist.
Why you left/got Kicked: Shadow left because it was to stressful for me, Escape the system glitched and it removed me, Legacy i left because it was to inactive, Twist left because it died.
Any Skills For the Clan? : Ingame activeness and forum wise as well.
How active are you forum-wise? : 8-10
How active are you In-game? : 9-10
Any Bans? : Yes, by requesting single allies = 1 day ban.
Any recent major infractions?: No
Any Alts? : Yes
If you have alts, list them here: DreamyBank
Did anyone refer you?: Nope
Will you follow the Rules?: Yes, definetly.
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) : I know alot of people in this clan, i hang out in Ethr lobby's a lot, most of you might know me.

Ha, that's pretty bad. You should've seen my app when I first started playing toribash to join [DP]. It's miles worse than yours.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by OFingerzO View Post

Sainz your grammar sucks.

And apex, what you are saying doesn't help your case bro, you basically left ethr, app'd for phantom , left , app'd for reaper... all in like what? 2 weeks?

You only make it sound worse by not saying how long I was in Ethr. I had already told you that I had personal problems with Phantom. Why would I stay in a clan that I don't want to be in. Then a friend in Reaper wanted me to try out for the clan, I looked and it seems like a very nice clan. So I applied. I will not be categorized with Clan hoppers because I'm not one. Understood?
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Originally Posted by OFingerzO View Post

Sainz your grammar sucks.

And apex, what you are saying doesn't help your case bro, you basically left ethr, app'd for phantom , left , app'd for reaper... all in like what? 2 weeks?

Well, true about apex...
Anyway, i'll rape you too. Wait-me.

Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
Click on "Ninja's friend's in my sig kgo.
He did that in under a week fingerz.

No. >:o
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Mar 1, 2013 at 11:10 PM.
Hey guys.

Nice to see that everything's okay here.

I just felt that i don't want to be on way stressing with little inactivity.
Or well it might just be stressing me a little.

Thought to be clanless for sometime.
There isn't really any clan i would really like to join.

Stay awesome Ethr. ;)

Seems like activity is coming to a halt.
And we will keep being awesome, zapekk.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again