Hate to be the party pooper here Wiarcik, but I didn't like your application to be honest,

Your overall movement was pretty bad for the first 2 replays, and kind of choppy. Hits kind were meh.

Your flow wasn't there, and that is what brought down the look of those two replays.


Your last replay however was pretty good.

movement was surprisingly much better in this replay, and the hits were well done.
make another replay like the 3rd one, and you can have my yes.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
Your overall movement was pretty bad for the first 2 replays, and kind of choppy.

Please tell me the exact frames of the first two replays where his movement is pretty bad.
oh yeah
Circus Anthem: Not really any outstanding flaws in movement here, it seems to be alrightish all throughout.

Humanoidal disguise: The opening was decent, but the movement just before the kick and during wasn't the best. Then he was again a bit stiff after the kick it kind of looked like he held all to me. Also didn't really like that he grabbed the arm for like 3 seconds then pushed it off, it seemed to me like he was going to do something there but he forgot about it and left it in by accident. The transition to the pose was eh, and his poses always seem to be lifeless. But really all he needs to do is relax a few joints here and there.

I mean its not bad (poor choice of words on my part :c), but I want to see him make something like his last replay were movement was not an issue. And that shouldn't be too hard since everything else seems to be in order.
Last edited by MrJingles; Mar 14, 2013 at 12:33 AM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
I agree with Jingles on this one. Wiarcik is good, but I'd like to see one more replay from him.



Raindown: I see that your tori didn't start in the normal T-shaped formation, but it's alright. The hand throw was neat, it was pretty powerful. The way you moved towards uke was unrealistic, but I like it (I'm more of a -9.82 guy, but I believe -30 gravity is used for being realistic and etc.). Kick was sloppy, your shin hit uke instead of your foot but it was darn powerful, getting a 4-DM boom. The part after this I don't like, because your body looked like it was laying on the ground, uke's leg was just hitting you, making it look sloppy. Second kick was nice, not too shabby, skeet was really great. That's what makes this replay pretty good.

DogFight: Generic uke lift here, and a punch to keep uke in the air, nothing to original, unlike the replay earlier. Around frame 390, your body looked really stiff, with your legs contracted and your left arm just contracted throughout the jump. Punch was great, but try to avoid hitting your head on uke, it makes the replay, dare I say, sloppy. Skeet was sweet, it was well-aimed and powerful.

1-2 Skeet: I love simple openers like these. Punch was alright, and the following butt-to-head decap was great, and you kept the flow, too. I loved how you just popped off your head then kicked it into the sky, very creative. The head skeet was great, and the hand skeet after that was sweet, too. This replay is sex, very original and creative, though not much destruction.

You're close, but you need to lessen your stiffness and practice your destruction and cleanliness.
Last edited by Luminusian; Mar 17, 2013 at 03:10 PM.
yeah ok
Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
I'm pretty sure Zet will be able to provide an application that'll leave no one undecided not long from now.

Attached Files
Z - Assasinated.rpl (434.8 KB, 24 views)
Z - Hammerskeet.rpl (340.6 KB, 23 views)
Z - Swaoshkeet.rpl (322.2 KB, 18 views)
Still haven't received any feedback from two pages back, and I don't think LampGod's post, which was before mine, got seen either.

Response would be nice.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions

Brutality; Opening was cool, but when you got to uke you went all derpy.

Kick looked weak to me, then the next hits were ok.

Punch wasn't used to the best of its ability, and then once you grabbed that arm you barely used any other part of your body on the way to the kick. Focus on other body parts too.

didn't like your twitching to get into the pose. Might just be me though.



Everything here was pretty well done I guess, enjoyed the skeets.

good job.



Opening was cool, and really liked the kick it was nice.

Boompunch was great as well.

after the skeet you went extremely stiff, and the transition to the pose was awful.

It's -30 gravity, so try looking a bit more smoother.

Getting better but No.

wait a week until you apply again, there is no rush.

sorry I don't really have enough time to judge the other applicants, I should really be studying for an exam right now but eh. If you still have yet to get judgement contact (not spam) Tamakuu as he is the recruiter of this week.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Zeto most of your booms are pretty nice and clean. Your style and creativity isn't too shabby either.

As always, there's always that one replay. Not too fond of hammerskeet.

Replace it or fix it, and I'll state my final choice.
the goblin
Does this please your pooper?
If not I'll create a new replay whenever I find time.
Attached Files
Z - Wheel v2.rpl (170.4 KB, 19 views)
Not that much. It feels really, really, unfinished. It's creative as hell, but there's a void in there that has yet to be filled.
the goblin