Originally Posted by Dinis View Post

Had my penta with karthus and a couple more with op champs.
Funny thing is whenever I find a kat playing all she does is feed.
And when I ask her shit:
"Why are you buying a full build of hextech gunblades?"
"omg stop feed u fuk noob"

But stacking gunblades is perfectly viable on kat

but I do prefer 2 gunblades, rylais, and deathcap
So who else got invited to PBE?

I did hueheuehuehuehuehuehueheuheuhe.

Its pretty rad you start with massive IP/RP and level 30.
Its boss.
nerver had a penta

just a triple kill with ezreal .. so close to quadra.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
I've gotten a penta with ryze (29/6/19) and Lee Sin,when he was free.

Do you guys like Dominion? I dont, It is to fast & no strategy
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
Oh, I've got the game running, but when I click to play, I get this:

big pic

Halp pl0x

It's easy ,

stop playing with lee sin.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
It's easy ,

stop playing with lee sin.


Anyone know a good build for trundle?