"Because I don't like it, we all have our own opinion it is not unbelievable. I just don't like it and I really don't care, and it is not hatred, it is my view. MLP is not what I like; I am a guy who likes ATVs, dirt bikes, paintball, hunting, fishing, camping, all that. You are who you are, I am who I am, see what I am saying?"

Managed to correct most of it, but there is some really fucked up grammar out there.

Also, people like that should not be allowed near a game, and should be given a death sentence if they as much as peek inside a game forum. ABOMINATIONS, I tell you.
Last edited by crazylars; Mar 2, 2012 at 05:22 AM.
Punctuation truly is something amazing that can completely alter the way something is read. :3

crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Couldn't sleep, kept thinking "Hmm, I can go with only 7-6-5-4 hours sleep", then I got to "If I only sleep 3-2-1 hour(s), I will never wake up in time for surgery.".

Yeeeh, that's how my nights went at highschool times, kind of didn't work out in the end.