Originally Posted by kameron View Post
I'm quite sad you didn't reprot my avatar.
Just look at it.
Semi-nude guy, wearing another persons face as a mask on a schoolbus, and the gearstick is covering his junk.

It's still safe for work tbh
Please bring back Organiζations board
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
I'd love to play it too, but I'm too much of a poorfaeg to get it

If I ever put some money into steam I might gift you it.
Depends on how much it costs though...
<@Scorp> koor i love you
ill buy it for you if you send me a picture of you

or your tits, whichever is fine.

(i may even accept ass) (not pussy tho)
Originally Posted by Course View Post
ill buy it for you if you send me a picture of you

or your tits, whichever is fine.

(i may even accept ass) (not pussy tho)

inb4 kicked out of clan.
Also, I am in no way related to this post.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
inb4 kicked out of clan.
Also, I am in no way related to this post.

lol, we can actually get kicked because we see other member body?
Please bring back Organiζations board