Normally, I'd say no. But you guys seem to like him.

Unbiased for now.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
He seams very mature an responsible enough to join the rest of us tackle the world of toribash in a sophisticated and respectable manor.


You managed to use two homonyms in one sentence.

hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
hey glow i think i am gonna join sandwich again so i can be in my friend's clan i hope we can still be friends
If nobody's perfect and I'm a nobody, does that make me perfect?
hey people of Colon 3, Im Simon(also my real name) and here's my freeform application! ()

some Info about myself:

I'm a pretty relaxed guy that likes to have fun and I always try my best to be kind and understanding to others :')

I'm an outgoing person and I love to meet new people and face new challenges everyday :'D

Super friendly and if you just take the time to get to know me I promise that you will see for yourself that I'm a great friend who's really fun to be around.

16 years old, My hobbies are drawing and reading manga's like Dragonball, Naruto, One piece, etc. (even though I love to draw I haven't really gotten into making textures yet, but I'm getting there.)

I come from sweden, but my parents come from Africa. yes, that means I'm black. I guess that means I come from Africa? but I was born in Sweden and I think of Sweden as my country

I'm like really tall for my age, and I used to have a huge afro but now its gone =/ .. R.I.P

that's all I can think of for now, on to the next one!

My toribash Journey
So I'm sure you already noticed that I joined back in 2007 which means I've been around here for quite some time.

I actually discovered the forums late 2010, up untill then I was just ingame. This one guy told me that I should go check out the forums, I was like '' naah, probably going to be boring. '' but I was really wrong about that xD

after a while, when I got used to all of the forum rules I decided to create my own clan [RAGE]. That didn't go so well, now that I know the forums I see how much I failed with that clan xD

anyway, I got into an argument with this guy named BlackDemon because I reported him for spamming in my clan desc and he ended up getting his first infraction. (I warned him like 3 times)

so after that he decided to start a social hate group against me which was totally unnecessary. What suprised me was that people that I didn't even know started joining the group and calling me bad names and stuff like that. It all escalated into me being like one of the most hated people in the toribash community. (probably not, but at least hated)

So after that I got a name change from '' ownya '' to Simon. But that was actually something I've been wanting to do for a long time. Escaping ignorant people's hatred was just a bonus.

what I'm really trying to say here is, I have alot of people who hates me.(who will probably say, no dont accept him!)
but they really dont know anything about me. So I just want you guys to judge me for yourselves instead of going to other people and ask what their opinion of me is. Because none of them really took the time to get to know me, as a person. And I hope that you guys will just give me that chance because I'm a really good person when it comes down to it.

so that pretty much sums up my forum experience here at toribash if you have any questions just ask!

now to the in-game part.

well, not much to say here except that I'm a 9 dan black belt, I love wushu and I want to get into replay making. I can play Akido as well but idk if im skilled at it, test me and then you tell me xP

Reason to join
Well, I could be wrong about this but this clan seems partly anime/manga oriented. And idk, you just have alot of cool members like the leader glow for example. I wouldn't go as far as saying that I know him but I definitly talked to him and he's a really cool dude. He was the person who taught me how to deal with trolls xD

on top of that I just feel like this clan would fit me more then any other clan, its hard for me to pinpoint the exact reason why but thats just my feelings

also you guys are rather irc/forum active which is a big + for me because alot of other clans lack in that area.

well, that's all for me. Thank you for reading.

~ Simon