No problem, my friend. Also, when is someone going to invite Shev, he's more active than most of us, he's mature and skilled. He has my yes.
Last edited by Smoke; Jan 20, 2014 at 11:39 PM. Reason: adding
Originally Posted by shevaroller View Post
Doesnt it mean that your stats should actually be higher?

Also, my congratulations to Sparks, Toriobaby and Eason

Originally Posted by Mocucha View Post
Welcome home

Thanks guys

Ninjaballz, seems to be mature, and in-game he is pretty good, he has my yes.
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

Name: Reach (Seihareach - ingame)
Age: 14
Belt : Blue
GMT : +7
Past clans : (-)
Player Card :
Previous Nicks or Former Account : None, although I have 3 alts account all above orange belt
Can you spar : Never tried out spar (might be checking out tomorrow)
About yourself : I'm Cambodian. I really like this clan because it is a very well known clan in the world of toribash. I've also manage to beat some black belts and 8th dan black belts in Tourneys.My real name is Reach.
Name: Logan
Age: 420
Belt: Black
GMT: +1
Past Clans: Evil, Atlantic, Fresh (RIP), NorseKlan (RIP).

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): Regeneration (Banned by request, due to fear account was compromised)

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): I can kinda spar, never really been that good at it though, so I haven't saved any replays.

About Yourself: I'm from Ireland, currently living with my girlfriend in Belfast, I just turned 20 on the 8th there, and if i'm honest i'm still skeptical as to what I want to do with my life..I've done well in my exams and stuff, but the idea of working to simply die doesn't sound like 'freedom' to me. Just exposing you to my philosophic side. ;p
I'm looking for somewhere to stay, I just want to have a bunch of fun with some chill dudes. Doesn't come much more chill than Evolution, so I figured it might be the place for me. I've actually been playing this game for a lot longer than 4 years, probably since about 2007/2008, I was just never very interested in the social side of things up until 2010 when I created this account. However, I've lost interest for the ingame aspect of ToriBash recently, though I still consider myself a good player - albeit I don't play to win, more for a laugh. I'd like to get to know you guys for sure, I want to be in a clan that extends outside the realms of TB, and yousens (excuse the slang) seem to be pretty close as far as clans go, which is definitely one of the main factors that resulted in me writing this app. Forum-activity wise, I'm pretty much always on, I'll admit I shitpost occasionally when I get the opportunity, but it always contributes to the thread ..and peoples lives. :/
I've never been banned, and I've only been infracted once for a 'profile violation' which was back when having an over-obnoxious signature was punishable.
Anyway, better stop now when I have the chance, or else I'll be typing forever, I'm a talkative dude - if you haven't got that impression yet. Thanks for reading this bros, peace! ☮

Edit: Also, just to boost my chances, I was the Unibash judo teacher for a good 6 months before I took a break, it sucked ..but hey - something to put here.
Last edited by Wicked; Jan 21, 2014 at 07:10 PM.
Originally Posted by JTsparks View Post
Ich mag nicht die swastika.

Huh? Es ist nicht böse.
Es tut mir leid, wenn Sie verletzt sind.
I don't speak German.
Originally Posted by JTsparks View Post
You surpassed my German knowledge, I only know basic Deutsch ;3

Google can do anything these days.