What is the problem with your teeth? Don't you clean them after your meals? :'p

I do, but I still have very weak teeth [like most of family, genetical shit]. And now this isn't about bacteria, cavities and shit, it's more of a disorder that causes me to unconsciously gnash teeth during the day and when sleeping and this destroys my teeth and abuses my mandibular joints.

Hope it'll get better soon.

It will NEVER get better. I've had problems with teeth, healed them, then gums, healed them. Now mandible. Fuck, if I get over it, I wonder what will be aching me next.
Last edited by JtanK; Jul 14, 2011 at 06:21 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Transformers 3, so gonna watch that shit. ( I told you bout hangover 2, you tell me bout Transformers now.) Too bad all my pals are out till next week so it's no cinema for me yet.
(also cinema is so shitfucking expensive, yeah.)
About 3D: Sometimes it's actually cool like when small things are flying all over the place. Generally you can only say that the background is farer away, not the actual persons nearer by you though. Still good for 50 cent per movie.
About his new girl: I don't like her. Or at least her Synchronsprecherin, I don't know.

The movie itself was funny and cool. I liked those slow motion parts.
The story is crazy^^
talking about problems about your health; I have to go to a hospital today because of my heart :c
was it broken again? (Ich weiß der war mies, tut mir leid. Konnt's mir aber nicht verkneifen. <3)

No seriously. what's up, dog?
Oh yea, got my grades from the final exams today.
German: B
English: A
Maths: C
Physics: D
I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Gonna continue going to school though. (: