You could also just skip the tv show watching part entirely x)
So, anyone preparing for the ebola zombie apocalypse?
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
It could happen... We should decide a meeting spot in the near future so that when the Ebola apocalypse starts, we will be ready.
<@Scorp> koor i love you
If there is no person with ebola in your land you don't need to be afraid. But if there is a zombie you shall need a weapon . My question is... Wich tool can you take if you don't have a gun ?
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
If there is no person with ebola in your land you don't need to be afraid. But if there is a zombie you shall need a weapon . My question is... Wich tool can you take if you don't have a gun ?

I would take a Dildo Bat.


2 people in finland have ebola,
population of finland is 5 million,
2/5mil= 2.5mil
i am half finnish
2/2.5= 1.25 million
that means i am 1.25 million% ebola.
god help me
Last edited by Appledosa; Oct 17, 2014 at 05:48 PM.
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
i am 1.25 million% ebola.

wtf apul

oh and i'd take mayonaise as my weapon thank you
Please bring back Organiζations board
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
I'm Australian, I'm already calm.
If I be even more calm, I'll find inner-peace and learn how to alter my perception of time.

More people are fleeing to Australia cuz of ebola. Not all know if they have it or not, chances are theres gonna be a case in Australia pretty soon. But it could take like a year or more to reach u as far as I'm concerned. When a place is completely isolated from a disease, it is one of the first that the disease will get to. Sorry to inform you buddy