Originally Posted by flXy View Post
I hate LoL nowadays...

>implying LoL was good in the past

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Ye, played it a lot actually.
Was fun playing with friends and all that.
But I grew tired of all the flaming faggots and all that... just got annoying...
And the the whole match-up system is just fucked up and all that... just don't like it anymore...
And it just got boring...

EDIT: Just noticed the immense amounts of dots I use.
Originally Posted by gerFight View Post
I watched a few episodes of Two and a half men, it's funny, but as I don't watch TV I don't watch it anymore. I think I never watched an episode of HIMYM...
I may start watching some episodes in the next few weeks to make sure I don't get bored.
I also like Charlie Sheen in Hot Shots, it's a great movie - the mother of all movies, haha.
It's sad he can't control his actual life, but what can we do, let's just hope for another guy to be as funny as him in near future.

That's what I was talking about

I don't watch TV too and since I got like 10 new Books in the last weeks I woun't be bored any time in the near future
Nothing is better than a good book, reading at home to a hot choclate, being comfy (I might sound like your grandpa now but I'm serious)
Sometimes a book is even better than the movie..

And you have that part of literature in you're bookshelf so you can read it again or lend it (;

TV is often related to stultification (sorry for the grammar).. Literature is allways good for you're brain
For me, books are life-savers when I'm on holidays. Sometimes there's just nothing to do because of bad weather for example and then you can really enjoy reading a good book.

I'm already prepared for holidays, having two polish fantasy books and one lovecraftian collection of stories, y'know.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
The only books I read these days are like old German literature books.
Currently on "Thus spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche.
Gonna read some more of Hermann Hesse's stuff when I'm done with Zarathustra...
Love that old shit.
Ha, war grad beim Zahnarzt. So ein Kind + Mutter kamen ins Wartezimmer wo grade nur ich saß. Die Mutter nimmt sich ein Heft und liest, normal. Das Kind, 4-5, Shawn genannt, langweilt sich, normal.
Irgendwann die Mutter: "Guck mal hier, ein Delfin.", Shawn: "Und der ist tot?"
Mutter leicht entsetzt aber ruhig: Neeiiinnnn...
Shawn: Lebt?
Mutter: Ja, genau.

Danach kam's noch besser, wo ich mich was weggehauen hätte.
Sie blättert normal weiter und Shawni guckt noch ein Bisschen mit rein. Irgendwann höre ich nur das Wort "Muschi" aus seinem kurzen Satz raus. Die Mutter wieder entsetzt fragt nach und Shawn zeigt auf eine Frau in dem Heft. (Die saßen mir zwar gegenüber aber die Ecke klappte über das Bein und ich konnte einen Teil erkennen.)
Dann die Mutter: Die ist aber angezogen.
Shawn: s*fh*o Muschi. (Keine Ahnung ob der "Trotzdem" gesagt hat, oder vielleicht auch noch "hat".)
No i kurwa jutro znowu czwartek :|

Przy okazji JtanK co sądzisz o rosole? Ja uważam że jest to bardzo dobra zupa na miarę dzisiejszych czasów, niestety mankamentem jest to że zazwyczaj trzeba dodać magii i pieprzu, aby była w stanie zaspokoić twoje potrzeby smakowe.