I hereby start a petition to change the thread name to something containing either, or all of the following words

doom, penis star, glowing testicle, death tricycle, impending, nuclear rainbow of mauling

All those in favor say Aladeen

all those against it say Aladeen.

I have a feeling most people will agree.
Excellent title choice, good sir! *applauds*

Seals can be quite vicious. And I quote ( inb4 the most metal description of a seemingly cute animal):

"Some seals will even eat warmblooded prey including other seals. The leopard seal, which is probably the most carnivorous and predatory of all the pinnipeds, will eat penguins as well as Crabeater and Ross Seals. The South American sea lion also eats penguin as well as flying seabirds and young South American fur seals. Steller sea lions have been recorded eating Northern fur seal pups, Common seal pups and birds."

Well hey, at least i haven't resorted to using screamers yet.


also introducing the TERROR SEAL OF APPROVAL

link because one terror seal per page is enough

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Shook View Post

also introducing the TERROR SEAL OF APPROVAL

I think I just pooped myself
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by Antleronio View Post
I'm stopping by to say that I'm leaving and I won't be able to recruit. good bye.

I will always remember you by the gay deer that was really cool
Originally Posted by Antleronio View Post
I'm stopping by to say that I'm leaving and I won't be able to recruit. good bye.

wtf m8 ah sware ahm gunna ave yew m8

I'm curious as to why, but okay, bye Antler. :c
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol