Originally Posted by Shockwarrior View Post
I'm Shockwarrior, and I would like to join enigma.

I'm a black belt in toribash, and currently I favor aikidobigdojo over most other mods, as my style mainly focuses on grappling and saving. I tend to stay away from ninjustu and such, as there tends to be a lack of challenging players there. My rank is currently 59221, and I'm planning for it to spiral down as I win more matches. I would like to join this clan because the name intrigued me, as I do enjoy enigmas and conundrums and quagmires myself. I can provide to this clan loyalty and respect, and whatever skills I may acquire, as I am currently training in sumopaint on texture making, and I can produce a great graphic with another software.
I am on everyday, in both forum and in-game activity, so no measures need to be taken to ensure my activity in this clan.
I love drawing and adventuring, though the irony of it is that I live quite the 'indoor' lifestlye. I am top of my class in school, and I am quite the intelligent person, so there is no need to worry about my maturity or ability to understand something basic. I mysef love the idea of a group environment, so I applied for enigma. Thank you for your consideration. {By the way, my only past clan was province, which died sadly. }

Above average application, and you used freeform. We can't really ask more from you for now, I say yes.

Although, I do have one thing.. can you stop using that font? ;-;
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Shockwarrior View Post
Alright. xD

Thanks <3

Originally Posted by Luminusian View Post
I say yes, even though I'm not in the clan (but I'm part of the family right? <3)

No, you suck.

Just kidding, now give me a bj.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Shockwarrior has been more than Zeroback approved
I like you Shockwarrior
I give a yes with a big applaud because you, sir, have gained my respect.
there is no set amount, we don't live by rules or restrictions per say.

I'll go ahead and invite you since our members seem to like you.

don't slip up.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by Shockwarrior View Post
How many votes do I need to be accepted or declined?

[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth