Why does the bounties affect you guys
Its just a bounty
In fact Im the one getting bullied here
I have to take all of the quitting, trolling etc
So I dont have any idea what was going through ur mind when u pressed that quit button
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

dont go there. he left cause this wasnt the clan he thought it to be. he has every right to leave with a valid reason like that so do i and so dose anyone in the clan. he didnt say he hated the clan or anything and honestly he is better and most of us so you cant go sayin anything against him man. if he wants to leave then he can leave if he wishes its not a set in stone clan dude. its just for fun. loosen up a bit and have some fun man

Common Curtussy....nuff said

That's funny because when I said I wanted to take a break from the clan I got called disloyal, got called a little kid, got called a bitch, all sorts of disrespect when I am free to my own rights. It's impossible to have fun in this clan if people are going to act like this. And then he says we are not mature and look at how he acted towards me and stuff. If you want respect you need to earn it treat others the way you want to be treated and what comes around goes around. Maybe I should just leave the clan if you guys are going to treat me like this. It's very rude and not fun to talk about how disloyal and immature I am because I want to take a break from the clan but everyone else is leaving it and still nothing has been done about Shin he is making new accounts and just trolling like crazy now if the Toribash mods don't do their job then they just lost a player to this game.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Aug 1, 2011 at 08:22 PM.
Look Im sorry for that.
I just want to have fun, make friends etc.. (mature & repectfull)
I dont want this crap.
You take things very seriously & personally.
Relax! There is nothing better than having mental peace.
Curtussy: Thanks man for your support.
Link: Bad moment for me to enter this clan. Like I said before good luck bro.
And Pm me if ever need my help.