Favourite Anime/Manga: Death Note

Favourite Character: L. Lawliet

What made you love Anime/Manga? I don't know, I guess I found myself on Mangas and Animes, I don't like those cartoons (except The Simpsons).

Anime card:
On your knees...
The grey company is arriving now...
Favourite Anime/Manga: DESU
Favourite CharacterESU
What made you love Anime/Manga? DESU

also hi guys i've never even clicked on this board how is it going guys
Favourite Anime/Manga: Naruto
Favourite Character: Sasuke
What made you love Anime/Manga? i dunno, just like it.
Anime card: I don't use this website.
You may aswell use it, because it is required.


Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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Favourite Anime/Manga: Noblesse
Favourite Character: M21 (noblesse)and luffy (One piece)
What made you love Anime/Manga? I don't know,i just got attracted somehow.
Note: I read mangas only.