that isnt true fnugget is -not-true... i had a 15 ratio or something i didnt win all...never..
there were like a million people that saw me loose many matches at that day ...

just count the wins...and the qi i got...never matches
for the Twilight!
you can count actually from the picture that shin uploaded,i dont know what booster exactly u had,but if you count the tc earned and the wins u should be able to figure out if you win all of them

edit:no actually,this wont make sense,because its the tc earned from wins,and there is no way to see if any games was lost from the ingame earnings
Last edited by nikosefs; Oct 26, 2009 at 05:41 PM.
gz missuse

back to the "topic"
shin ryuu this one isn't over yet
i wanted a picture that shows me that woozie farmed not that he pwnd
pwning is not a crime
woozie never farmed in my definitition of farming
post the toribash definition of farming in here pls
i searched for it and couldn't find it anywhere
post the definition of farming here
the OFFICIAL definition and we will match it with what woozie did

every admin i ask what farming is tells me something else
i want this to end
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Completely with Jaden on this one, there's money involved so the banning cant be done on gutfeeling or own opinions, there should be a definition for farming,for every admin or moderator just the same, or do you have the right to make up rules as you go along? Even when there is money involved?

BTW: congrats missuse
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it" i get really enough of you just lieing around admins

The first time, he was only suspended for a short time

Yeah, ofc i got permabanned
...I got fucking permabanned....there 2 options did a mistake banning me last time (nice ..I want madwoozie back then thought...) or you just lie like shit....
for the Twilight!
Well guys im glad to inform you that i got to master belt.. finally!! :P
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"