so yeah, new expansion revelation seems like a bit of a.. joke to me and a lot of the current players.

aside from that, if you sign a "contract/agreement" that you will play WoW/pay for subscription for the next 12 months/year then you get diablo 3 completely free, a guaranteed spot in the beta and one of those flying mounts for free (charger i think?)
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
so yeah, new expansion revelation seems like a bit of a.. joke to me and a lot of the current players.

Then a "lot" of the players are retarded, including you.
the monthly subscription fee is not ridiciously huge but I still wounder how much blizzard makes out of all the people paying o.o ..

but then again, they have to pay all their staff and make changes to the game

but even so I think they are probably the richest game company in the world.
Holy shit fuck leveling alts through Northrend.

I want to kill my am selffffff

Also sorry you hate fun, Lume
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
well fuck it
i started playing again

level 16ish warlock on like gulnark or some shit like that
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
well fuck it
i started playing again

level 16ish warlock on like gulnark or some shit like that

Well since WoW is gonna be f2p up to level 20 Im just not going to ever think of going back to it, hell I may record my self burning the discs since the thing was such a waste of time.

I can name 3 better P2P MMO's out there
Hey guys i just recently started playing wow again under a different account then my old one my name is Knalan, i play on the Dalaran server, and im lvl 14 i only have the starter edition atm but i will be upgrading sometime this week.
Words mean nothing, actions show the true meaning
add me to the WoWfaegs list


Lvl 70 Dwarf Palidin---Turkeyneck
lvl 80 gnome warrior---Hedger
lvl 18 human palidin---Sleepytime
lvl 1 draenai mage--- Brodude
lvl 3 gnome rogue--- Mcgridle
lvl 1 daenai palidin---Trollplow
I'm toxic go away.