Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by -Link View Post
Well, holo, we can't just hold out are hands and start playing patty cake with every person that wants to join. It's time to step it up a notch.

And who are you to say this and only allow the best players in..?
I don't think we only have the best. I'm here. >.> I got in because i'm friends with destram and I am ok at rk-mma. My application was shit. xP

Don't get me wrong, I love being apart.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Holo View Post
Oi, when I first started playing I uploaded games that I enjoyed, whether it was win or lose.

Besides, this is an org for people that enjoy rk-mma. We're not elitists here.
Yes to wolfkid

edit: swaves why would you reject someone from an organisation because they clan hop? >_>

our rep dropped since we had clown/xec here.
as link said, we need to start acting a bit more "proffesional". we cant just accept EVERYBODY who applies here. Of course we are not elitists, but we should be atleast pretty good etc. I am not saying anything to wolf, even tho we know eachother, this was just something i wanted to say. oh and we still dont work with a voting system so stop saying yes/no/maybe ppl.
I wouldn't mind accepting anyone but him, he is just not the kind of person we need hanging around [RMO].
He is very immature and terrible ingame.
LOL he boughts qi, ain't even gots skill

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Woah what happened here? No, we are not becoming "professional" for now. Also noone is able to reject anyone. About our "rep" (What? We already had a rep after 4 little weeks?) : Xec (Clown) was already kicked and is of course blacklisted and if anyone wants to tell me something about any member with whom he is not content, please contact me. Despite from that, yes, we can accept everyone who applies here. That is the sense of an organisation, best example : TeamWushu. Pretty much what Holo said there. There is a little, easy solution for that : If we get official, we are probably creating a ranking with tiers like TeamWushu or Team Judo has. Most likely not that strict of course, Viper doesn't like that, I am pretty sure.

Wolfkid was one of the few who actually put effort into his application. I also don't see any problem with the replays, since those show a pretty good amount of movement skill. And even if he bought qi ... who cares ? Not your money. Wolfkid you are accepted of course.

Let's be real ... most of the people who get in the organisation are not doing anything and won't be doing anything in the future. There are just a few active ones at all who really want to get along with the organisation. Here I must say that I appreciate all your care for the orga and the awesome activity of those who are posting here every day.

Oh and also, Viper applied for official two days ago.
Originally Posted by duck View Post
Ok, I am sorry for acting really stupid.
Sorry des. Cool that we applied for official.

No need to say sorry, duckie. I understand everyones point of view here and I appreciate that everyone cares so much about the organisation. That's awesome. I just want to make clear that Viper and me are 100% aware of every member here. Noone has to worry that we are not able to identify "black sheeps" in general (NOT RELATED TO WOLFKID NOW). The thing is just, as we did with Clown, that no accepting of anyone means that you are bound to be in contact with them. We accept people and see how they do. If they fuck things up or get annoying/insulting/whatever, there will be consequences of course, most likely the kick. No worries. PLEASE tell me when there is anyone with whom any member here has a problem with. Maybe per PM since we want to keep the place polite and fun for everyone.
Originally Posted by Destram View Post
No need to say sorry, duckie. I understand everyones point of view here and I appreciate that everyone cares so much about the organisation. That's awesome. I just want to make clear that Viper and me are 100% aware of every member here. Noone has to worry that we are not able to identify "black sheeps". The thing is just, as we did with Clown, that no accepting of anyone means that you are bound to be in contact with them. We accept people and see how they do. If they fuck things up or get annoying/insulting/whatever, there will be consequences of course, most likely the kick. No worries. PLEASE tell me when there is anyone with whom any member here has a problem with. Maybe per PM since we want to keep the place polite and fun for everyone.

I love your comments, always to the point and full of info. In any other occasions like these I will PM you/viper.
So all negativity aside, I can't attach anything in my posts (probably due to some popup blocker of some sort) so I was wondering if I might be able to email them to someone who could attach them here? Replays were obviously meant to be with the app so I thought if you guys wanted to see some of my things then thats the way we have to do it :l