I just like to know, is this game pretty popular? I have heard about it before, but I don't wanna wait 10 mins just to get a game.
I think it looks pretty cool though, maybe some font fixes would be nice.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
This may or may not be the greatest thing to ever happen ever.

Dem S2 Trolls.

Oh also, Add me at quaddafi i wanna play you guys.
Play this quite a bit, have my own clan, feel free to join.
If interested, hit me up in-game on the account DivineCow.
I've had some great games lately, not sure on the exact scores but i think it was something like 23-5-18 as thunderbringer, 29-1-16 as deadwood (first immortal on new account yay) 16-3-11 as deadwood and 24-4-18 as magebane.

all in matchmaking and in the past 2 days :3
AbsurdBunny is ma name, I kinda got turned off because noone wanted to help a newb >.<
It's pretty fun so yea. I might play more, but for now I'm just watching tutorials XD
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
AbsurdBunny is ma name, I kinda got turned off because noone wanted to help a newb >.<
It's pretty fun so yea. I might play more, but for now I'm just watching tutorials XD

For your first few games where you have no idea what's happening and aren't playing very well, your team will insult the shit out of you. Just ignore this. People are very precious about their PSR.