I'm really wanting to test a_coathanger since MrPoptart recommended him. You guys are on hold until you give us a time when to test you or something.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Hm, how about now? Classic server, since classic is, well, classic. :P
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
I'd Like to join ^^

I have no really good skills, but a killed a couple of Blue belts and stuff

I Don't know what to put in, But i'd like to join anyway
I'll be on for 30 mins (I need to be tested).

(I have reccomendation from Manbreakfast and Poptart and Elbo now.)
I need a few mores I guess.
Last edited by a_coathanger; Dec 17, 2007 at 12:18 AM.
alright, i played a_coathanger and it's a yes from me, that's 3 for coathanger
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes, then, by the time you criticize him, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have his shoes
If MBK says you're good, I suppose you're worthy.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
So I'm in?

(Btw if it matters I've played like 6 ish months I think so I know how not to be a noob(and if anyone really cares yes I had to pay for the game.) (noob not newb there is a big difference in my opinion))
Last edited by a_coathanger; Dec 17, 2007 at 01:54 AM.