Alright, now that I've cleared stuff up. I will now vote. TJex has already been rejected, I told him if any of his alts were in a clan he wouldn't be allowed to join -.-. Anyways

TaylorF09: I'm going to stay neutral until we have info about the hack and as Fates said, you can go to the support team for help, you shouldn't have to make a new account.

SweeYollo: There was not enough time nor effort that I see in your app, along with not reading the first post either. My vote is a no.
I was in a tourney Greykido and this guy said "duel for you items or ill hack you and take your tc" and I said no I was going to say yes but I felt like it was a threat So I left then later on I apparently got banned for Duel Rigging when I didn't even duel him Then I tried to get my account back but I couldn't I Messaged Every kind of help I could find but never worked
I am your newest applicant.
I suppose new would be a false claim really. I'm pretty dang old to this hub-ub. And you all kinda remember me for being.... THAT guy.
I know, I know, I've made a lot of dumbs in the past, and probably will make many more, but I can ensure you that my severe dickhole-ishness is mostly kinda sorta under control. I can't promise you perfection, and have no reason to be such a thing.

I joined this clan a long while ago, expecting nothing and receiving mostly warm welcomes and many gifts. I did my best to get along, and as such made quite a few friends. You all structured me into the well oiled advisory machine that I am today, and I can't thank you enough for it. It allowed me to go on quite a few more journeys that I may not have been able to have without the experience you provided.

As it has been a while since we last saw each other, I shall give an update on my life. I am currently a high school graduate looking to pursue a field in psychology in the very near future. I have given up on my artwork, as I tended to find myself quite a bit more frustrated over an unfinished project than the reward of a finished one. I am currently single... well sorta... and am waiting for the right girl to pick me up and show me what love is. I hope baby don't hurt me no more. I still find myself both peculiar and very attractive, and would gladly restart that awkward monthly recap thread I had for a while.

I have played Toribash for a stupidly long time. You can see my join date reflects that. I feel confident in my abilities as a player, but I don't think my in-game skillset is really my selling point. As a few of you have learned, I am a very fun guy to hang out with, though a bit arrogant and self-centered. I try to be a productive member, though most times I am very lax. Don't let that dissuade you from giving me a voice, because oh can I set a man straight. I can set a man straighter than a piece of string, ya hurr?

I would love to see a shiny black Origin next to my name again. Not because it looks cool, not because it makes me relevant, but because it has meaning. You all mean something. You're all beautiful. All to me. I'm not sucking up at all. Shhhhhhhhhh.

purple monkeys run wild in the red forest

Post-note: I would prefer you not directly give a yes or no on my vote, unless you were a victim of my douchebaggery from before. I'm not singling out the higher-ups, but I feel as they are more affected that they should get the final say. Feel free to give an opinion on me, but as I said, please leave direct votes to those directly affected by my idiocy.
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Last edited by Grohenbird; Jul 30, 2015 at 08:53 AM. Reason: derpity derp forgot replays
I think I might be retired.


Alright so I think you put a lot of effort into this. I am glad you made it. I understand how hard it is for you to... put yourself out there again.

Anyways, I may not have been directly affected by the same thing you are talking about, to be honest when I got into the clan it was right after said shit went down I believe.

So I'm not sure what the past wrongs were, I don't know what happened and I will leave that be and not pursue it.

But, what I do know is that I would give you a yes if this was just an ordinary application. It may not be super detailed but you got the main points as well as let us see the real you. So not saying yes, but I would have said yes.


Hey man, we all learn from our mistakes. I lacked patience and being able to take in criticism, but look at me now! I'm learning.

Also what happened to your other girl? If I recall correctly, you were in a relationship. Please don't answer if it's personal to you, and sorry for asking such a personal question

I admit, I did kinda disliked you in the past, but I always refused to say that (i can't remember if I did). let's put that behind us. You seem like a down to earth guy, and that's a personality many people I have met lack (including me, most of the time). Let's start with a clean slate. I'm gonna say yes
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this


Hey I remember you <3
We all make mistakes ;)
I'll gladly welcome you back into the clan. I'll give you a yes.
Haha if it ain't the meow-man himself ;)
Easy yes from me, I doubt you'll have to do the trial, but I'd check with Zeus/Fate

application bruv

yas. Since the prime chancellor pos is open once again, you have a chance to get back to where you were.
Hey Just wanted to say am I Rejected? If I am Its cool And Just wanted to say thanks for reading my app And its been such a pleasure talking to you guys So bye.

Texture making