Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
So you are implying that the length of videos depend on the number of people submitting replays?

No, I was implying that the length of the video depends on the amount of replays featured and the amount of replays featured would most likely be proportionate to the number of active members at least.
Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
I don't see how you can clarify something you don't know.

By letting Jabulon answer it, I was only asking him a question.
Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
Sorry, but I really get annoyed at people and obvious/retarded questions. Like right after someone says something, they miss it when it's in front of their faces, and proceed to waste a page of posts and people's time.
Or questions that aren't clearly stated..whatever. I'm a fussy guy.

Well I'm sorry for making a few quick questions that were only there in the first place to give a vague idea of what was required. I'll try to make them less 'retarded' next time. Thanks for the friendly advice.

On-topic: If you're willing to pay 40k then I'm sure you'll get a video worth 40k. If you pay 100k you'll get a top of the range video (seeing as there have been 1,000,000tc texture requests, maybe more that 100k). Similarly, if you pay 5k, you'll most likely get something strung together in 10 minutes on Windows Movie Maker. If you want some attention from ORMO's better known video makers then drop a PM to Rutzor, Moop or someone else kindly asking them to take a look at this thread.
i thought u guys were pros. hm, well, we aint got 100k to spend on a vid. that would exhaust our entire tc deposit.

well, perhaps some other time, cheers
Just to point out, I didn't say it needed to be 100k. Heck, I don't know how much Rutzor/Moop/other video makers would ask for when making a video like that. You'd have to ask them personally.
I remember getting payed 1.5 k for making a vid for shook. But he's a clanmate though, so yeah.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
well i got loads of replays for JL ncluding not my own, i would be in the vid for 5k im not a free fighter =P