There's two of them...
When I won my first tournament... There was, like, Dafe, Mr-Deanster, Mosier etc etc cool dudes which were (idk if are) so good in game I had no hope to beat... But with luck I made it. Lol. And it was a Wushu tournament btw.
And then, the day when 3.0 came out... Freelance became official, 3.0, environment mods, fun shit happening in game (Freelance party), I became a co-leader of Freelance
Oh yes. So good moments.
First one was when i told secondsoul something and he was like
then warbanana kicked him... Good times, Good times....
My account is for sale!!!!!
BUY IT 45$/orange box. my inv is right there <3
When I first played betabox my foot was decaped and I threw it at the guys head and decaped it its true I will shot it to you in a replay when I find it.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
when i won my own tourney and incited a huge flame war

that was like 2 years ago, back when hosting a tourney was a huge thing (promoteam didn't exist back then)

Tonakai was my co-host :v

Oh yeah, I remember that, too
Epic times
Joining the forums and landing in chacs firing line with my first post. (wanka)
Training some annoing noob in judo. Darkcritp or somthing somthing (wanka)
spending half a day in freelance (wankas)
watching my next 2 clans die (wan- you get the point)
Joing the epic lols clan TTF. PROUD WANKAS

All good times filled with lol... wankas