Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
this pretty much shaped my opinion of WoW


So like, I did end up following the image up, because google is my only intimate friend.

I did expect to see some weird stuff, but daaaaaaaaaaaammmmnnnn

Back to the topic. A few of my friends used to play WoW, but they've soon stopped. They started playing about 3 years ago or so, I'm not sure when these expansion packs came out but it sure seems as if they drifted away from the game as a result.

But I mean if you like it and are having fun with the game, go for it I say.
Originally Posted by Snorlaxen View Post
trough my opinion, it's like an old nintendo game, no physics at all and WAY to much effects. the graphics arent good either, and the game is very simple to hack with cheat engine, 2 scripts and ur done. and blizzard are liers too! they say that it's the biggest mmorpg with most players. they have 12 mil players and maplestory have 40 mil players :/

They actually say they are biggest 3dmmo and maplestory has 40 mill accounts created
Ok honestly, The people downing it sound like they never played it, 1. It is not the same thing over and over again, every 5 levels or so there is a whole new area to go to and more quests of different kinds and about every 10 a new instance. 2. Just because you play it alot dosnt mean its addictive it means you like it alot. 3. definetely not like smoking(ipingu). 5. wow has more than 11 million active players and and that other mil is multiboxers and alt losers :P. Oh ,and btw FOR THE HORDE<---yes i am horde lvl 55 paladin :P 40paladin 35hunter and and and and and best for last LVL 80 WARLOCK MUWAHAHAHA! dont diss the lock nubs :P
Originally Posted by jhucks2235 View Post
Ok honestly, The people downing it sound like they never played it, 1. It is not the same thing over and over again, every 5 levels or so there is a whole new area to go to and more quests of different kinds and about every 10 a new instance. 2. Just because you play it alot dosnt mean its addictive it means you like it alot. 3. definetely not like smoking(ipingu). 5. wow has more than 11 million active players and and that other mil is multiboxers and alt losers :P. Oh ,and btw FOR THE HORDE<---yes i am horde lvl 55 paladin :P 40paladin 35hunter and and and and and best for last LVL 80 WARLOCK MUWAHAHAHA! dont diss the lock nubs :P

that's really cool
Wow, don't you feel accomplished now, jhucks? You have very strong virtual characters. Maybe you should go back to first grade, though, to learn how to count. You skipped from three to five when listing your reasons for WoW being good.

I would consider at least half of the players in WoW addicted. As in, they will play every day unless physically incapacitated and blow off some responsibilities just so they can grind some more.

WoW is old. In its time, it was a great game, back when Blizzard was still young. Now? Blizzard can make as many expansions as they want, but the golden age of WoW has been over and will never start again. It's way overrated.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Incredibly addictive. Get the expansion. Its a great game. WotLK made it better. BC was a smashing sucess. Dont listen to anything else. DK's are sex.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
WoW is old. In its time, it was a great game, back when Blizzard was still young. Now? Blizzard can make as many expansions as they want, but the golden age of WoW has been over and will never start again. It's way overrated.

For your own sake I hope you were heavily intoxicated as you typed this. Wow was never more alive/better than today.