The guy that started this situation seemed to have done this to be an ass. Jusmi posted about how it diminishes the value of art and that he'd be pissed too if someone did that to his art. And lo and behold, he "bought" (or already had), and put one of his works of art up for free.

But with this all said, as a staff member stated there, this is not against the rules. It's just being a dick is all. Once you've bought the head, it is yours in ownership.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I really don't see the issue. A player pays for an art piece (which in most cases are not REALLY money, so you can't enforce it with real laws at all) and then gives away the art piece that he now owns. There are no copyrights on any of the work, nor any other rule/law prohibiting any resale or duplication. Sure, I guess it's annoying to have your head that you worked soooooooooo hard on given away, but at the end of the day you're selling your art on a forum for an indie game. The best you could do is ask, like Ezeth said, the Market Squad to change things around, but at the end of the day no harm is being done.

Tl;dr: selling your art on the Internet without copyright is an implied risk, don't complain when people give it away.
I think I might be retired.
This issue has recently been brought to my attention and I've come back specifically to chime in my thoughts.

What is happening is toxic, really, which is what I'd say the market always was. The community bickering, buying and selling heads at extortionate prices, and egos beyond recognition.
To no end am I not surprised that this has eventually happened. Someone takes it upon themselves to obtain and distribute art that, to my knowledge of the artists I used to befriend and work with (even my rivals), had so much effort and emotion put into. We nurtured them and made those textures part of our legacies and our abilities. We would continue to showcase our skills whilst providing a great service to people who wanted to look so badass in-game.
I personally look back regularly at what I was capable of and am filled with pride.

Now, as much as someone can freely do anything that they want with a product they have bought I believe that if it's done in spite, as is much the case recently, it should be able to be closed as a result of insulting a fellow member of the community openly.

At the same time I would challenge the method this was done. If a product is given for free, I should be able to claim ownership of that product with a 0 value transaction. If this it is stated that anyone can use it, it should require the artist's permission to distribute.

I suggest we update the rules to give the artists have an implicit creative commons license on anything distributed so save our ego's getting hurt and the market going even further away from the idea place to become an artist.

That being said, I've been working on some textures recently that will explicitly be free to use for anyone because let's be honest who can afford anything these days.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
I think when you sell your art you should clarify whether you can make it free or not.
if you buy the head and the artist didn't say anything and you want to make it free, ask them. if they aren't active anymore I guess you cant make it free?

Why not have a new art thread where an artist can post their art that state if its free or not?
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
This video might add something, but it goes into another direction at the end.
But please try to listen carefully to it and THINK ABOUT what he is saying,

This video

And you can always make a contract when you sell skmething:
You may only sell this texture and not give it out for free.
When the texture is sold to a third party said third party has to sign this contract.
You agree to get banned if this texture is given out for free by you.
You agree to this contract by buying the texture.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

it doesn't fucking matter if someone gets the tc for the head they made, it's still pretty shit knowing that nobody will ever bid high amounts for it or have it on showcase to make everyone jealous

if you work hard on something and want to give it away, go for it
but you're just kind of being an asshole if you're giving away other's hard work at little cost to you.
giving away =/= generous
make your own shit to give away
If I give a texture to a friend. I am generous
If I give a texture to all and set it's value to 0. It's
Insulting to the artist and not generous in my oppinion
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
I think if your giving art for free you must have some proof from the creator saying that you could give it away freely
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
you're all still arguing ethics
there isn't any rule or regulation that could possibly be fair at all
giving people "rights" to distribute your head freely and without pay isn't going to fix this
the same goes for telling them they can't give it out for free
the art you create is solely on your decision, as is the intent to sell
you do not have to sell artwork, and neither did picasso or warhol
these people created artwork, sold it (or it was sold after death) and distributed around the world in mass quantities
artwork has limitations in some situations as shook said earlier
there are trademarks, patents and so on to protect the artist or creators work from being vandalized, marketed improperly, or sold to other for someone's gain other than the artist/creator
in this community, there is no such law or written rule that is made, nor should it be
your art is all under your control until you decide to sell it

don't want your art sent to tons of people? don't sell it
stop being babies about being "insulted"
if anything, you're all being praised - everyone wants your art so bad people give it out
generosity is great, egotism is wrong to an extent
pull your artsy fartsy heads out of your asses and learn what's right and wrong
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again