Original Post
[OVER][ES]The 5.0 Series
Ladies and Gents. Toris and Ukes. It is with great pleasure that I and the Events Squad announce the 5.0 series. A series of events in which you earn points, which are then added up and the winner gets a grand prize!

You will earn points for participating in events marked 5.0, you will earn even more points winning those events. You can also earn points by winning our ETourneys.

These series of events are in celebration of the new 5.0 release, which can be found here: and also in celebration of the 10 year anniversary of toribash, which passed on the 2nd of March!

The events that are part of this series are...

You gain points for winning each of these events.
In addition to forum events, you can also earn points simply from winning ingame tournaments! The normal random prizes and shiai tokens will be accompanied by points just for this event!
A win in a tournament will earn you 3 points for 1st, and 1 point for 2nd.
A win in a hotseat will earn you 1 point per win.
So get competing!
00assassin00          40.00
Rouxster              32.00
Remzombie             32.00
Diamond               31.00
TIcux                 26.00
Imapirate             25.00
Ezalor                20.00
ZeDerpyOne            20.00
Haha                  18.00
Lucasbr35             14.00
Lunchtime             14.00
Nerobe                14.00
Scourge               12.00
AssassinPro           11.00
Lethalegg             11.00
Downsz                10.00
Hipower               10.00
Tyler112              10.00
seth93z               9.00
Tobreak               9.00
infinyt               8.00
Matharu               8.00
Moop                  8.00
Psychoryan            8.00
Snook                 8.00
Sparky                8.00
swosh                 8.00
Crashjs               7.00
Srux                  7.00
Adam12102             6.00
Blade                 6.00
Demo                  6.00
Gary                  6.00
Joprell               6.00
Orko                  6.00
Syll                  6.00
T0ri0baby             6.00
bayonetta2            5.00
beatboxv4             5.00
Ciowns                5.00
Darkborg              5.00
DragonTG              5.00
elmo2004              5.00
Embry0nic             5.00
Evasium               5.00
Felixiou              5.00
Fulop                 5.00
Furryprints:          5.00
Kazomaut              5.00
NERFPLS               5.00
Oinbi                 5.00
Qezz                  5.00
Sledgren              5.00
Static                5.00
The7thVoid            5.00
Whyphie               5.00
Worm                  5.00
Yeawww                5.00
Zwar                  5.00
Agus:                 4.00
Demki                 4.00
FluffyTurd            4.00
Gradeger              4.00
Hamza                 4.00
iShnk                 4.00
iTemp                 4.00
kotminiser            4.00
lucasbr38             4.00
MariaVirgin           4.00
memis1231             4.00
R4T                   4.00
Rivaille19            4.00
Anaminusx             3.00
Blimped               3.00
bwHusky               3.00
caio154               3.00
Cillster              3.00
clitster              3.00
Daxx                  3.00
diegopanda            3.00
Fade                  3.00
Fallu                 3.00
Gambi321              3.00
Gigaswag              3.00
Haioz                 3.00
Heartwood             3.00
Horvat17              3.00
JABEN15JJJ            3.00
JoxGames              3.00
judd666               3.00
kartik123             3.00
Koar                  3.00
koenaw                3.00
kozmonaut             3.00
Love                  3.00
Moop                  3.00
NixNutz               3.00
oVe                   3.00
Pzzfzz                3.00
qMKp                  3.00
ReactBanta            3.00
Siriisdumb            3.00
Snarlar               3.00
WeooWeoo              3.00
Abn0rmall             2.00
Aurelien2             2.00
Balik                 2.00
Bodhisattva           2.00
Bubby101              2.00
Cheweycub             2.00
Coine                 2.00
Dalebigby             2.00
Deadpurp              2.00
Fates                 2.00
Fear                  2.00
FIow                  2.00
Flames                2.00
Glimpsed              2.00
Grim                  2.00
Gruszex               2.00
Jeje057               2.00
Jordan                2.00
Lamby816              2.00
Loanme                2.00
Lolface512            2.00
Mrfacefur             2.00
MrGarry               2.00
N3WB                  2.00
nrm8085:              2.00
Nugget                2.00
Obstructed            2.00
oriq                  2.00
Pidda                 2.00
Pimp                  2.00
Possesed              2.00
PouffyWall            2.00
Prisp                 2.00
Pronoob5              2.00
Rcarey                2.00
rot3ex                2.00
Sasuke                2.00
Shaman01              2.00
Shevee                2.00
Smaguris              2.00
Soccerblue            2.00
Spcr                  2.00
swagpanda             2.00
Tirz                  2.00
Toribush              2.00
Tuymoi                2.00
YoBigButt             2.00
zuca101               2.00
200102274             1.00
2Bella6               1.00
adam7rag              1.00
agus                  1.00
Apollo                1.00
AppleJack             1.00
Arycal                1.00
b1gd                  1.00
Batyya                1.00
Besttalon             1.00
bigdogswag            1.00
Calamity              1.00
Caveisier             1.00
CHAMEeLEON            1.00
chirs                 1.00
CircusClwn            1.00
Cjslick               1.00
clovermouth           1.00
Coelhos2m             1.00
Darkwolfc             1.00
DDoS                  1.00
Delm0r                1.00
Dolphyno              1.00
evolution6            1.00
fishman77             1.00
Fluffy22              1.00
Frost                 1.00
gzus123               1.00
HaroldxD              1.00
hattersin             1.00
HenryBRPC             1.00
Highpez               1.00
HillBill42            1.00
IceHydra              1.00
Icky                  1.00
irookie               1.00
Jaden622              1.00
JahovaWitn            1.00
Jencam13              1.00
Jenson                1.00
Justen13              1.00
kane                  1.00
kidjay                1.00
Kirito                1.00
Krisis13              1.00
Lazerkidz             1.00
Lopsin                1.00
lugq7                 1.00
Luqq7                 1.00
magesticdu            1.00
MasterKS              1.00
Miguelrx2             1.00
Necessity             1.00
NikosDEAD             1.00
Ninjafodao            1.00
Noir                  1.00
NoKi1119              1.00
Obliveion             1.00
Omega:                1.00
Pawbro                1.00
PeckishWhale          1.00
PoxPox                1.00
RadisSVK              1.00
Renascitor            1.00
Retro                 1.00
rfifan                1.00
rubifox               1.00
Rudyard               1.00
Sh4dowl               1.00
Shark                 1.00
ShockimusP            1.00
Skeletonkin           1.00
SkipyBySki            1.00
Skizzify              1.00
slaycon               1.00
SmallBowl             1.00
software12            1.00
Suplexking            1.00
Swepples              1.00
Templar               1.00
TheBoyka              1.00
Thespansor            1.00
Touretto              1.00
Tsuion                1.00
ultimatumm            1.00
unconchudo            1.00
UnknownPVP            1.00
VanillaMC             1.00
Ventoxiz              1.00
Viddah                1.00
Whut                  1.00
Xanz0                 1.00
Xero                  1.00
Xife                  1.00
Xiyun                 1.00
xMath                 1.00
Xozzy32               1.00
yoko                  1.00
Yoshiman60            1.00

The part you've all been waiting for. The grand prizes.

1st. Place

5.Champion achievement + 15 shiai tokens + Toribash Prime + Vip + 1 MILLION toricredits + Unique usertitle image

2nd. Place

5.Almost achievement + 10 shiai tokens + toriprime + 400,000 toricredits

3rd. Place

5 shiai tokens + 250,000 toricredits

Brought to you by the EVENT SQUAD

The points for each event will be specified on the individual threads. Thank you for reading, and thank you for supporting toribash and this wonderful community that we're all a part of.
Also as a side note, ES members can participate in events they are not a part of.
Last edited by millie; May 16, 2016 at 02:54 AM. Reason: der

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
hi, i've won an Etourney, won an alpha relax even, hopefully can get my points there, and an ehotseat earlier, and I've also won another one on my main, cjslick, so if
but I will just go ahead and assume this list is currently outdated?
Last edited by haha; Mar 31, 2016 at 12:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
ey, won 2 tourneys in a row, gimme 6 points :v
okay, i have 19 points, reorder me and put me up :V
Last edited by 00Assassin00; Mar 31, 2016 at 08:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I am Back :>
Feel free to pm me about any Art request.
umm, someone should reorder the list of points, just rearrange and move people to right places.
I am Back :>
Feel free to pm me about any Art request.
Query... How are we meant to find people with matchmaking with the fact that it just puts us with random individuals and so many people on TB?