Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
It there were 33 types of man-eating carnivore in one forest and 43 in another, which would you choose? Trick question, the number of types is irrelevant. You would choose the forest with the lowest density of predators or with the least dangerous types.

I have no idea about what the comparative concentrations of these chemicals is in each option, or what the risk factors of those individual chemicals are, but I do know that the number of types of something does not indicate the density of that thing.

I'de say that there is a fair chance that the number of types of chemicals in cigarettes is greater because they have been being manufactured commercially for so long, so more chemicals may have been added to minimise the production cost, to improve the sensation of smoking or to maximising addictiveness. Cannabis on the other hand has not been streamlined for mass production and maximum profit, so just contains whatever is inside the natural plant.

I'm surprised that you say that cannabis does not produce carbon monoxide, since, in case you didn't realise, this is the product of incomplete combustion of carbon containing substances. It is what is produced instead of carbon dioxide when there isn't enough oxygen to react with the thing being burnt (they are identical molecules except that monoxide contains exactly half as much oxygen per molecule as dioxide). I would assume that incomplete combustion of carbon would be common for anything you smoke. This makes me slightly suspicious of some of your other claims TBH, but this is the only one I actually struggle to believe.

I see your point. Also, I know about incomplete combustion from school, and the production of carbon monoxide. I didn't intend to sound like CO is only produced by cigarettes, but reading over it again, it does sound like I meant it that way.

These are the sources I used earlier that I forgot to post.
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Originally Posted by iPortal View Post
Originally Posted by Unholybat5 View Post
Okay most people say "Yea both are bad for you" but technically no they wouldn't use Marijuana for medicine if it was it can help a numbers of things like Seizures, It can help with Stress and the only side effects are getting hungry and sleeping when Cigarettes do help with stress sometimes but they are highly addictive when Cannabis is not but it all depends on what you use with Cannabis to make it addictive, if you were to just smoke Cannabis alone no it is not but if you treat it with other drugs and chemicals it is.

Okay, I'm sorry SkyWhale but Unholybat, did you read the sources I posted? I can see what you mean but the reason they use it medicinally is because it's a painkiller.

Don't worry dude, I knew a guy who took heroin and got nothing off it, no high and no low.

Sorry Portal must not have but you do see the point right?
Last edited by Zelda; Mar 3, 2016 at 09:26 PM. Reason: fixed quote text
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splish splash Aeon is still trash
tobacco is much more harmful than weed.
but smoking is smoking either way you look at it there's tar and gross shit involved in your lungs.
i smoke erry day but i don't see much of a difference in my health.
Originally Posted by iBravies View Post
Tourneymun, I believe you're correct however nicotine is harmless when smoked. It's all the other chemicals that cause the bad stuff. Nicotine just gets you addicted.

Originally Posted by Tourneymun View Post
I don't use either, but through my experiences and learning i'd assume marijuana is leagues safer then cigarettes.

Points as to why marijuana is healthier then use of tobbaco

Those were all things I were taught in school funded clubs/classes so how correct they are is no clue to me, but this is my evidence.

THC is used to release dopamine into your brain, I believe.
Originally Posted by duck View Post
But his source backs your point up. The picture is a picture that was spread through the internet as misinformation about how the situation really is. It even says so in that post. You both ought to read any sources provided from the top to bottom.

And yes. Marijuana smoke does indeed contain 4 times the tar, but the 4 times the cancer is pretty much just a false thing. As Eleleeth said (For the third time) there is a [BIG] difference between the intake of these drugs between a pot smoker and a tobacco smoker. 1:5 ratio

Apologies, I actually did skim them but my point still stands that smoking marijuana by itself burns four times more intensely than a cigarette, which is the main thing that makes it worse for you.
EDIT: I can see and understand everything you're saying about long term use and I totally agree with you on it, as cigarette smokers will smoke more than marijuana users, but I've mostly brung this topic up because it's become vastly different in the USA.
Last edited by iPortal; Mar 3, 2016 at 08:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
op is shit(soz). we should be talking about tobacco rather than cigarettes. cigarettes are built for addiction, they contain more tobacco than is needed for a nicotine hit and have filters, which filter out nicotine as well as other chemicals(so smokers smoke more ciggies than they actually are getting the effects from), and plenty of added chemicals.
you can't even compare the psychological effects of tobacco to those of marijuana, tobacco acts as a stimulant as well as a sedative, and a deliriant in high doses while marijuana is a a cannabinoid hallucinogen or whatever as well as a sedative and contains fuck tons of different active substances depending on strains.
marijuana, while the average users smokes less than the average tobacco user, messes with dopamine alot more than nicotine does. given that dopamine plays a major role in your brains natrual rewards system can mess up how you feel pleasure when sober and lead to general apathy and lack of motivation.

marijuana's effects also last alot longer than those of tobacco, which makes it a lot less casual of a drug to use(you won't be able to smoke before or during work without imparing yourself)

however both are wonderful substances in moderation and can change your perspective of things(for better or worse), and which is more harmful depends on the user and their relationship to the effects of either substance.

nicotine is a bit more productive while cannabis is a bit more creative (imo) it really just depends on you.

and yea, both are bad for your body, no arguments on that. cannabis's effects(as users use it(and as it is produced)) are just more heavy.

(sorry if this makes no sense)

(edit: tho cannibis addiction can be mentally crippling, compared to just being a bit of a prick if you haven't had a nicotine fix in a while)
Last edited by RAAAGE; Mar 3, 2016 at 06:06 PM.
You do know that cannabis has been known to cure a load of different things correct? It relieves chronic pain etc. CBD in cannabis also helps destroy cancer cells believe it or not, just do your research and look at the studies.

There is nothing you could pull from tobacco that would help any of the things listed here:

I see that HIV is on that list as well, and with further research you'll find out that it's been said to stop any symptoms that HIV causes and may even stop the spread of it. You're trying to make an argument out of two completely different substances, one which has extreme medical use and has been known to help people more than any over the counter prescription, and the other which is cancer causing and health problem inducing. Take two people, subject one to smoking cannabis their whole life and then hook the other on cigarettes, and tell me which one dies first.
Last edited by Triton; Mar 4, 2016 at 05:05 AM.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Originally Posted by Triton View Post
You do know that cannabis has been known to cure a load of different things correct? It relieves chronic pain etc. CBD in cannabis also helps destroy cancer cells believe it or not, just do your research and look at the studies.

There is nothing you could pull from tobacco that would help any of the things listed here:

I see that HIV is on that list as well, and with further research you'll find out that it's been said to stop any symptoms that HIV causes and may even stop the spread of it. You're trying to make an argument out of two completely different substances, one which has extreme medical use and has been known to help people more than any over the counter prescription, and the other which is cancer causing and health problem inducing. Take two people, subject one to smoking cannabis their whole life and then hook the other on cigarettes, and tell me which one dies first.

the one smoking cannabis may live longer but I guarantee you that they will do a lot less with their life. and neither will live longer than a person who doesn't smoke

the cbd in cannabis may help destroy cancer cells but smoking cannabis can still cause cancer, emphysema and all other problems associated with inhaling smoke.

don't forget this is about cannabis, not isolated substances found in it. don't act like users are self medicating some amazing new plant that cures anything and everything.

cbd ruins the THC high so most strains people actually use are low in cbd, you aren't helping yourself at all.

also saying that tobacco has no use is ignorant, it's great for self motivation and has no psychological risks like cannabis does.

I am not denying the valid uses for cannabis or compounds it contains, I just can't stand people who preach the benefits of things to justify addiction and completely ignore the facts.

and I assure you that there are OTC painkillers available that don't put you into a vegetative state or completely retard you like cannabis tends to do.

edit: "and with further research you'll find out that it's been said to stop any symptoms that HIV causes and may even stop the spread of it."
"it's been said to"

no one's gives a fuck someone says or thinks. show some scientific evidence. unless, of course, there is none.
Last edited by RAAAGE; Mar 4, 2016 at 06:25 AM. Reason: ur mum
you guys are saying it causes 4 times the cancer,can you point
a source that correlates cannabis with cancer?
like show me a legit article that says "this man got cancer from cannabis" ?
probably not

i think the national institute of cancer is legit?:

some points:

clinical studies

also all your points are based in smoking cannabis,what happens when you eat it?you still get cancer?

inhaling marijuana smoke

Last edited by nikosefs; Mar 4, 2016 at 08:40 AM.
I was just assuming we were talking about smoking cannabis because the OP is comparing it to smoking cigarettes.
edibles are very safe, yes. there are also other ways to use tobacco too which greatly reduce or negate risk of cancer(snus, snuff, vaporizers, transdermal(I don't think transdermal common tho)... etc)

I still don't think you can fairly compare the two as they are so different
for me it just looks like hypocrisy,every year millions die from cigarettes

Worldwide, tobacco use causes nearly 6 million deaths per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030.2
Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including nearly 42,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.1

On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.3
If smoking continues at the current rate among U.S. youth, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age are expected to die prematurely from a smoking-related illness. This represents about one in every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger who are alive today.1

while i still haven't seen any legit article
about cannabis causing death,let alone causing cancer and not from you guys but in general.

Also there is another thing,the lethal dose or LD50,guess what?
the ld50 for cannabis is practically unachievable:

According to which US Government authority you want to believe, the lethal dose of marijuana is either about one-third your body weight, or about 1,500 pounds, consumed all at once.

In summary, enormous doses of Delta 9 THC, All THC and concentrated marijuana extract ingested by mouth were unable to produce death or organ pathology in large mammals but did produce fatalities in smaller rodents due to profound central nervous system depression.

The non-fatal consumption of 3000 mg/kg A THC by the dog and monkey would be comparable to a 154-pound human eating approximately 46 pounds (21 kilograms) of 1%-marihuana or 10 pounds of 5% hashish at one time. In addition, 92 mg/kg THC intravenously produced no fatalities in monkeys. These doses would be comparable to a 154-pound human smoking at one time almost three pounds (1.28 kg) of 1%-marihuana or 250,000 times the usual smoked dose and over a million times the minimal effective dose assuming 50% destruction of the THC by smoking.

Thus, evidence from animal studies and human case reports appears to indicate that the ratio of lethal dose to effective dose is quite large. This ratio is much more favorable than that of many other common psychoactive agents including alcohol and barbiturates (Phillips et al. 1971, Brill et al. 1970).

Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal
effects. But marijuana is not such a substance. There is no record in
the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented
cannabis-induced fatality.