Exelent, your moves were really fast and cool. But i didnt like pose but i believe you can make better.


4 becouse not that much dms :/

The less I know is better is quite a neat replay. It had some quirks though, mainly in the opener.
You twitched quite noticeably a couple of times, which kinda looked odd.
The concept of the opener itself was quite neat. I like that you didn't go for the traditional get-towards-uke-as-fast-as-possible approach.
DMs were alright.
The manip was a tad bit messy, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I liked this replay. Nicely done. C:
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
Hey, Whale.

The less I know is better:
Opener was quirky and twitchy, but has a likeable approach to it.
DMs were lackluster, but satisfying because done consecutively.
Nice erratic relax manip.
I'd give it a 5.8/10.

The one that I rely on:
I really liked the opener.
Punch to the knee was fine, but ruined it a li'l for me.
2nd kick and boom was really beautiful, but you could've made more DMs with it.
Pose was ehh.

Parallel Lines:
Damn, you did good with the opener.
Then you zero'd out because you didn't get a boom.
Less twitch, more flow with this one.
Liked it. 7.7/10

Music for the deaf:
Opener was on moderate speed, nice.
Split could've gotten a boom, but better if you didn't which was nice.
That turn for decap could've gotten a boom.
Punch was badly aimed, you could've gotten another boom with this one.
That sudden stop for crotch kick was just not fitting imo.
I think you should've maintained the grab and went for a back kick, I think it would've gotten you a crotch boom with flow.
Transition to glute tap made me lol.
Pose was okay. Giving you 4.7/10 for this one, sorry.
nonono it's okay, criticism is welcome as long as it's constructive
Attached Files
Whale- Newton.rpl (157.9 KB, 13 views)
hello :>

i really liked the look of the opener. the first lift kinda killed your momentum tho
i didn't like the way your knee looked on the second lift
i don't really care about head bruise that much but id advise that you try to not get head bruise
the lift at 275 was awesome, then the one after that is just so appealing and nice
the spin to the decap was good
the little breakdancing to the pose was nice
id give it a 7.9/10
still a better manip than me :<
thank you guys! everything is noted, i'm going to wait for more tips and tricks for manips since i'm interested in manips now