Oops, i forgot about this x)
So, when are you planning to host the next event?
Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
Oops, i forgot about this x)
So, when are you planning to host the next event?

We are still brainstorming on that. We are currently looking for general banners/headers we could use on all our events similar to the gms.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Lol, i like yours better ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also, can HeT partners participate on the monthly events?
Partners of the HET will automatically be added to the list of single allies and are able to participate in our private events.

i am a bird now - Lil B

hey clan MONK,
Timmy called me here to try and bring you an idea for art event.

as You may know I was an artist and I enjoyed a bit of making textures and such.
So I decided to get different events for art, In this idea My Idea was to make a head
based of geometric shapes(polygons), people will have to show the concept of the shapes,
then draw an sketch over and shade it(coloring counting too).
More complex shapes can lead to bonuses, and also good finalization can do it.

I need a bit of a hand to set the judging criteria, the event thread and banners.
Last edited by dengue; Oct 17, 2015 at 08:44 PM.
Nice idea We can do that. I'm up to work on that next week. Do you use irc? If yes, join #monk and we can figure out what to do.
I think we would also need an example of an entry for that event if we were to host it. Also dengue can help with judging it since he has lots of experience doing this.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Eki is still here o7

So i really like the concept of this, and yes. We need someone to make an example..
The title could be something related to Toribash and Shapes(Hexabash etc)