Endurance Onslaught 6.0
It's pretty easy to use 256gb RAM if you want to. If I had 256gb I'd use it all. 256gb in raw footage isn't even that much either.

If he seriously has money to just burn on $5000 on RAM, and he doesn't care, then go for it. It's pretty rare and pretty cool. The highest build I've ever done is 64gb and I thought that was pretty intense.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Yeah I do have 5000$(Or more if it was possible XD) to burn on RAM and I don't care and I totally wanna go for it! XD And if you guys think I hate money look at those idiots on counting cars spending 40,000$ for a fucking blowjob of a horse on their horse trailer XD Also yeah it is a pretty cool build and I'll make 2 XD Also how does the dual comp work? How do you record on one comp and play on another other than using a webcam XDDD And do they sell thermometers for comps? I wanna make sure it doesn't overheat XD If I had the Fractal Fan(The one in the list the big silent one XD) and all the other super-components how long would you suggest I leave the comp on straight without offing it? I wanna make sure it doesn't lose any performance whether temporarily or permanently due to overheat cuz a.It's expensive as fuck XD and b.I want it at top performance at all times and c.it'll be tiring to make another one, also once I get the parts is it hard to actually build a PC? And if so is there any company I can trust to build it for me without pocketing my TITAN? XD Also wat does a soundcard do and I added new stuff to the list.
P.S. as of this post I have only read post #21 and that's all I've replied to so far cuz I haven't seen page 2 new posts yet Also I meant 40,000$ paint job not blowjob XDDD
Also Wireless Mic, Cam, Headphones, Speakers, mouse, etc. would be cool so their aren't wires everywhere XD
And is there a keyboard with the same sensitivity as my eMachines Laptop Keyboard? Also how much better is the GTX 650 compared to a Default eMachines GPU? And say I bought a eMachines Desktop while I wait for The Beasts and placed the GTX 650 and filled it up with as much RAM that I can fit how much better would it be than my Laptop?
Also no rice I'm making a Comp not a Christmas Tree ;) I'm anti-rice too Immortal.
1TB of Microsoft OneDrive that's what it was not a Memory Cube XD
I think it's pretty much just a 1TB Hard Drive with a USB inside a case.
No wait that's like Dropbox it was something else -_-
If you go a dual PC build then usually one will be your main computer and the other only for recording, you wouldn't need to make two equally powerful because then your main computer will be underpowered and your secondary will be overpowered. If they're equal how does the main one become underpowered? If you mean by terms of using them like the main one for gaming and the second just for recording then the secondary would technically have more available performance but when they are both idle they are still equal, am I correct?
I just need to confirm that it won't sap performance out of the main to become superior XD
And it would be more efficient and wouldn't affect the recording quality whatsoever right? I'll strongly consider it then if so. And if the secondary one is cheap the stream won't keep crashing or going down will it? Also I'll need to manually move the Recordings to the main for uploading right it's not automated I assume XD And you may ask why move them? Easy because it'd take 5s to upload rather than 15m to an hour approximately if I were to upload on the cheap secondary XD Also the idea of The Beast being ONE of a kind is one I really like Making 2 might make it seem more common.
Remember I'm replying as I read your post XD Also 3 TITAN X's would be awesome!!! Is 3 Slots the most any SSD has?
Last edited by Merc; May 5, 2015 at 04:24 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Stop building and get a LPC Large pixel collider
Its cheaper
I'm a wordsmith cursed with verses and the worst shit.
A vile winged wicked bird who no one lurks with.

Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
I wanna make sure it doesn't lose any performance whether temporarily or permanently due to overheat

I doubt you'll get performance drops, and it'll probably only be rarely. Like if you're running 10 copies of GTA 5 on max settings at the same time or some other likewise bullshit.
Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
once I get the parts is it hard to actually build a PC?

Not at all, even if you just remotely know what you're doing you should be able to assemble a fully working pc and install the OS ( assuming it isn't pre-installed, which it probably won't be ) in a day. I built my mom's tower pc that really doesn't need because she doesn't do shit and it was a waste of 1.5k in like 6 hours.
You won't be able to get 256gb of RAM on a consumer board, you'd have to go server for that. And even then 256gb of RAM would cost around $5,000 assuming it's actually good RAM. Are you sure you are looking in that kind of price range?
Server physical or server virtual? E.g. those rectangel metal things or an online room for either gaming or chatting like Minecraft or IRC. And yeah I'm looking at that price range and beyond, basically apollo budget ^_^ And explain why it won't fit? And servers are infinite I think but if it was finite what's the max RAM I can have? Or even just how much on a single server? Also explain why exactly? Would the PC blow up if it had 256gb on a consumer board or can it just not fit? Can't or shouldn't is differnet :3
Ooh I like SSDs now.
it's not as fast as PCI (doesn't have as high bandwidth and a few other reasons).
Why? Also why aren't we getting a PCI then? Is it not compatible with the other components? And how much slower is it?
Oooh DDR4 is shiny :3 Also should we say 256gb of DDR4 now instead of RAM or should we just say RAM and know we'll buy the cutting edge DDR4? Also if I get a server would it be internal or external? If it's external how much max RAM can I fit on a consumer board?
Benchmarking = testing to see how good components work in the real world, that's the way we compare two components eg CPUs or graphics cards to each other. Numbers are all well and good but because there are many differences between different components it's not always obvious which one will perform better and in what situations. For example sometimes a slower CPU with less cores will outperform a faster CPU with more cores, basically because it's more efficient so even if it runs at half the speed if it's three times as efficient it will still be faster in practice.
Well now I get why it's hard for you to know the best one I know your getting it right though ;) I wan't it to outperform every PC in effeciency :3 PC only though I can't outperform Supercomputers of the US Military at Fort Mead unless I spend 1,000,000,000$ etc. XD
Also there's efficiency ratings that go from "80+" (the lowest rank), "80+ bronze" all the way up through silver, gold, platinum up to "80+ titanium". This is a measure of the efficiency, but it's a general indicator of the quality too - of course it's no substitute for real world inspection and testing which is why we also consult a list like the above to find a suitable PSU.
80+ titanium and Highest benchmarking Scores would be ideal :3
Is there any kind of ballpark or upper limit to your spending? Would you literally be able to buy a $100,000 computer? Would you even want to?
No, yes & OH YEAH!!!
I'm ok with explaining anything you want to know and helping with choices, but it's impossible really to make any good suggestion without knowing what kind of price range.
And I very much appreciate that Also there's no roof on my Budget just like how there's no roof to computer prices And if new superior components come out I'd like to be notified to uprgrade, I'm so happy I'm loaded XD I might put all the inferior parts that were replaced by superior parts into one comp XD The Scrapper XD It'd eventually do better maybe cuz more cores n shit but be huge and impractical(Wow me saying the "I" word ew), I prefer the best rather than many of the almost best :3 Also 1M$ and way over is still fine by me and upgrading periodically would be fun
If you want a beast and you have money to burn. Spend about $2000, then just buy new models as they come out so you constantly have top of the line new shit. Not waste thousands on hardware that will be obsolete in a few years.
The obselete parts go into The Scrapper And Ik there's no need that's kinda the point, I look past the need Also "What on earth are you using this computer for?" maybe it's not something on earth :3 Jk If I was an Alien I wouldn't need Earth Tech Prolly XD Also I hope the Government doesn't come after me cuz they get suspicious why I need such a fucking steroid soaked computer XD
with 256gb ram, you could probably run every app there is, and any game, without the computer going slow.
That sounds fun
And Immortal what's a PSU?
Thanks for buying Link BTW Hours and 1.7k$ is really good actually and only like 17,000,000TC if you convert it to TC XD Whitebelts can shit themselves now if they please :3
Ok well I think I read and replied to everything on Page 2 and thx for the PC MASTER RACE Immortal I'll go through it and try to find Fractal and eMachines to compare but I still don't know what a PSU is but what I do know is I like a Fractal Fan :3 If the List is accurate I might buy the Antec High Current Pro unless it's in alphabetical order in which case I'd buy the best product from the "Tier 1 (Best)" part of the list ^_^ Also sry for the layout I wrote this all on notepad to save posting 10,000 times XD
Lol that took so long that I had to re-login and new posts came XDDD
@SKITZ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider This is cheaper!? Wow I'm making a hella' computer then Also the Titan Z is like 336 Billion Textures per Second XD And SKITZ I'm kidding I see the Pixel Collider XD Me and Immortal agree that building a Comp is where da value is at I might buy the LPC too just cuz like how I'll probably buy This too XD Thx Ezeth :3 Imagine if all I used this stuff was to listen to MP3 Music XDDD That'd be hilarious lol. And retarded XD And I just noticed that the Bandwidth also translate usually to how many billion textures per second it fills at a 1:1 ratio or close, I got this from the TITAN Z's Stats ;)
Wow LPC has 4 TITANS XD Quad SLI+ is looking really good right now :3 Also Dscigs good to know it'll be easy to build but it'll prolly take 2 days+ to assemble The Beast XD It ain't any Comp :3 Also the GTA thing humored me thx for that XD And by rarely u mean retarded class circumstances and only temporarily right? Also I meant by overheat unless running multiple copies of a game at once on MAX Settings actually heats up the Comp XD Idk if it does I'm not an expert :3
Um Hours that's a GTX TITAN not a GTX TITAN X :3
http://www.reddit.com/comments/1qxg27 3 Monitors? Cool. For Googling, Streaming/Recording and Gaming I guess XD
Useful in a Minecraft Livestream on Twitch if you need to look up a recipe without exiting Minecraft or going away from the Streamchat. Also at least with The Beast no matter how much Bandwidth the LoL Streams hog my Stream won't crash XD Also Dual Comp is good for me so I can read Comments and Play at the same time and for the secondary I might even give it 2 monitors so I can Google stuff too like the LPC which I will probably also own but not use XD
Editing and Mudbox will be a breeze with The Beast
Imagine if the Government or the US Army asked me to run simulations for them XD Or Caltech
And ZBrush also looks cool
Well if I'm buying ZBrush it's no doubt going in a separate low cost computer encase it destroys it XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL75R0K_j7g Josh Singh might feel differently though.
http://pcpartpicker.com/part/swiftech-cpu-cooler-h220 Is that Liquid Cooler any good? Also http://pcpartpicker.com/b/snbv6h I guess GeForce and the word Beast go hand in hand I'm totally gonna post my build and make everyone shit emselves'
Is his Liquid Cooler any good?
http://www.polygon.com/2015/5/4/8548...on-slow-motion That would've been awesome on Max Settings with an awesome Monitor Speaking of a good monitor you recommended Dell Ultra Sharp if I only care about Image more than Speed but I replied saying I want Speed too not just Image and am awaiting your reply Immortal
After reviewing the list a Fractal PSU really won't do :/ You know me I'm alla' bada' best And I still don't know what a PSU is XD
Last edited by Merc; May 5, 2015 at 05:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Np thx bro ;)
BTW When I said AOR I meant AOC Sry :3 Also Admins sorry it's really not my intention to post this for the sake of bumping :/
Imagine 4 GTX TITAN X's inside 1 Computer or more XD
Last edited by Merc; May 6, 2015 at 01:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
I just saw the benchmark stuff XD I'll totally benchmark test The Beast and post the results here and everywhere else XD :3 It has come to my attention that not all TITAN X's are the same depending on their seller, I like EVGA so far but anyone has a better suggestion? Also should I buy the reference cards? And I'll be adding buy links to the component list on the first page ;) And is Corsair any good? Cooling and Memory Kits like the Platinum one etc. And ofc is there something better is what I always care about ;)
Also let's make an updated version of the pcpartpicker thing k guys? Thx.
So easy to top when I benchmark The Beast and post the results everywhere XD
Also what's the Best Security System? Norton? Cuz I'm gonna need one Hella' good Security System for a Computer this nice XD
I really hope The Beast doesn't blow up when I on it XD And Overclocking and Superclocking sounds good or are we already beyond that? XD
And idk if I already said this but I meant AOC Monitors not AOR Monitors.
Last edited by Merc; May 7, 2015 at 03:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Server physical or server virtual? E.g. those rectangel metal things or an online room for either gaming or chatting like Minecraft or IRC. And yeah I'm looking at that price range and beyond, basically apollo budget ^_^ And explain why it won't fit? And servers are infinite I think but if it was finite what's the max RAM I can have? Or even just how much on a single server? Also explain why exactly? Would the PC blow up if it had 256gb on a consumer board or can it just not fit? Can't or shouldn't is differnet :3

Servers are computers like any other, they can go in any kind of case. The kind of servers that you might use for chatting or gaming are computers in a big room that you can rent.

Computer hardware can be broadly split into consumer and server hardware. They have different needs and uses.

For example this is a server motherboard; http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813182948
In order to account for the increased performance requirements it has 2 CPU sockets, and 16 RAM slots. It supports up to 1TB of RAM, and requires a E5-2600 processor (which range from $200-$2000). As we move away from consumer hardware things get more and more specialist. In order to utilize a system like this you need to be able to figure things out as you go. It's not inevitable that you will have problems, but if you do have a problem there's very very few people (if any) who are using similar hardware who will help you. If you are using a well known board from ASrock or ASUS then thousands of people will be able to help you.

Why? Also why aren't we getting a PCI then? Is it not compatible with the other components? And how much slower is it?

The difference is price, and that it takes a PCI slot so depending on the motherboard that may mean you have to reduce the number of graphics cards you have, since they use PCI too. Some motherboards have PCI 'mini' slots in addition to their PCI slots. For example the current new standard is M.2 which replaces the older msata port on some motherboards. The above board not only has 3xPCIe 3.0 x16 slots, it also has 3 other PCIe slots that could support PCI SSds.

Oooh DDR4 is shiny :3 Also should we say 256gb of DDR4 now instead of RAM or should we just say RAM and know we'll buy the cutting edge DDR4? Also if I get a server would it be internal or external? If it's external how much max RAM can I fit on a consumer board?

I don't know what you mean by internal vs external RAM. RAM plugs into your motherboard, so I guess it's always external?

I think you should aim for DDR4 since it's the best at the moment. Needless to say that once you have decided on a motherboard you can simply max out whatever RAM it can take and the fastest speed it can support. You don't have to concern yourself too much with RAM :P

And Immortal what's a PSU?

PSU = power supply unit. The thing that above we discussed "80+ Titanium" etc


LPC is, like everything else, filled with tradeoffs. and a bit outdated. For example it uses an older CPU, ddr3 RAM, older Titans, etc. The LPC is basically the same as the MSI X99S SLI based build that was previously suggested, except outdated. If you want to go that road just grab the MSI X99S SLI (pcpp doesnt seem to think it supports quadsli so I subbed it for a asrock mobo that does), 64gb (8x8gb) Corsair Dom Plat, 4xTitan X's, an M.2 SSD, whatever PSU.

Example list here ^
Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
I just saw the benchmark stuff XD I'll totally benchmark test The Beast and post the results here and everywhere else XD :3 It has come to my attention that not all TITAN X's are the same depending on their seller, I like EVGA so far but anyone has a better suggestion? Also should I buy the reference cards? And I'll be adding buy links to the component list on the first page ;)

Reference cards are really bad, never buy reference cards :P They are what people like EVGA use to build their cards from

Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
And is Corsair any good? Cooling and Memory Kits like the Platinum one etc. And ofc is there something better is what I always care about ;)

Yup, corsair are good.

Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
Also what's the Best Security System? Norton? Cuz I'm gonna need one Hella' good Security System for a Computer this nice XD

The best one is something free like Malware Bytes. Even if you pay for security it won't be any better.

Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
I really hope The Beast doesn't blow up when I on it XD And Overclocking and Superclocking sounds good or are we already beyond that? XD

'superclock' is a buzzword, and means the same as overclock

Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
And idk if I already said this but I meant AOC Monitors not AOR Monitors.

Monitors are personal preference depending on what you want. The ones that I put in the parts picker list above support 240Hz refresh rate, so if you are rendering at 240FPS ingame then you will be able to see it just as smooth on your monitor.

In general there are various aspects of a monitor;
- Fidelity: how good the picture is
- Frequency: how many frames the monitor displays per second
- Speed: the time it takes for the monitor to display the image
- Resolution: how many pixels on the screen
- Pixel density: the amount of pixels per inch

If you emphasis one then the rest will suffer. The ones I chose emphasis speed and frequency. Thus they are average at fidelity, resolution and pixel density.

So where is the perfect monitor I hear you ask, where is one that is good at everything? Well they do exist actually, they are called CRTs They have perfect fidelity, very fast frequency, the speed is practically instant (less than 1ms), they come in high resolutions and very dense displays. There's actually another hidden aspect that gets traded off though - CRTs aren't manufactured anymore, only heirloom displays exist, and they are big and heavy. For example the FW900 (considered by many to be the pinnacle of display technology) can only be bought for around $1000 (when someone actually sells one, which is barely ever), and they weigh 90kg.

I myself am using a FP1355, which is a 10 year old NEC CRT.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; May 7, 2015 at 04:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
So 3 TITAN X's Isn't the max!? Me likey, also how much RAM could I fit max without a server, and servers are more efficient in performance but are large and hard so I may not go that path ;) I'll take consumer path. And the Quadsli sounds very nice :3 Also this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813182948 Doesn't look too big maybe it won't need a room for this one? Is it hard to repair too? Also Link the MSI maybe? :3 I like buying extras ya'know. Thx for replies btw ^_^ And ASrock mobo is consumer right? Also 1TB RAM would be cool and Ezeth would yell :3
That list is really shaping up Thx for it Also is Noctua better than Fractal and by how much cuz I kinda like Fractal :3
Last edited by Merc; May 7, 2015 at 04:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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