Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
everyone that has seen me play it thinks it's stupid or impossible
Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
My family calls it a "waste of time."

The same happens to me, the reaction is like "What a ridiculous game... Why do you spend so much time playing it?!". Then I try to explain that there's a whole logic and a whole attractive process behind these simple graphics and strange characters, but it just makes the game more "weird" for them.
Originally Posted by xlr84life View Post
My friends first thought I was weird until I showed them Oblivion's self spar

I had the same idea! They were impressed when they saw, so I went to show how it was done, the combination of movements and such. End-of-the-animation.
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
people judge this game far too quickly. i mean, fair enough really. i had no fucking idea what i was doing when i first started, but that didn't put me off like it seems to do to many other people... oh well, brown belt for life anyway.

That's true! Most people see the difficulty as a reason to abandon the game, I saw the different mechanics as an incentive, and come on, it's not too hard, at least for me.

I never put much effort to make Toribash popular for my friends, and it's nice that this rejection happens in general, I like the exclusivity that it generates.
Originally Posted by xlr84life View Post
My friends first thought I was weird until I showed them Oblivion's self spar and Jaker bboying and they were like OMG ME NEXT ME NEXT!

This. This right here actually makes me think I did a nice job playing this game.
Yessss sense of accomplishment acquired

Now to be on-topic.
My brother finds it neat that I play the game and I used to show them how my replays were going and asked him for ideas. I can't remember him trying the game though.
Parents sort of know I play Toribash but don't really care.
In highschool most of my friends knew I played since me and one of my friends who also played (filipe994) talked about it fairly often. They weren't interested in the game though.
In university around 3 of my friends know about Toribash but only because games came across in conversation after around 3 years of being there. They weren't captivated by the game but found it funny that I used to be a nice player.
My girlfriend somewhat seems to like the rare occasions where I mention the game, maybe because of a tad bit of nostalgia from the times we were in highschool. As for trying it, I think she might have, once, but didn't find it beginner-friendly at all.

Overall I find that it's more about being patient than "of higher intellect" (lol) when it cames to liking Toribash.
It's overwhelming and difficult and that doesn't fit the criteria for fun for a lot of people. Obviously just because you're smart it doesn't mean that you like to do "overwhelming and difficult" for fun.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
This. This right here actually makes me think I did a nice job playing this game.
Yessss sense of accomplishment acquired

You're inspiration for many players.
Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
My girlfriend somewhat seems to like the rare occasions where I mention the game, maybe because of a tad bit of nostalgia from the times we were in highschool. As for trying it, I think she might have, once, but didn't find it beginner-friendly at all.

My girlfriend thinks interesting. That's beautiful. She even played one or two matches for me.
In my opinion, Toribash is just another video game.
I'm not too sure what people think about me specifically,
but I don't think it should be any different than what they
think of "gamers" in general.

My family members who've see me play it say they don't
understand it, so maybe this kinda applies:
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
It's too mentally challenging for my family to understand, I do get teased about it quite a bit..

(I mastered call of duty, but my brother still plays it, and I quit to come back to toribash, and he calls me gay for playing toribash)

Also, yeah.. I stopped CoD after MW3, so I think people still
see me the same way.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
my friends like playing this game even though they have no clue what it is, they think it's cool as hell to get boomhit in taekkyon
it's easier to get in this game when you have someone to help them start out

most of them come through my channel for when i make things for school
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

My family really doesn't know that its a thing. A few of my friends tried it, but they couldn't handle the difficulty of it. So I just kinda play by myself (if I ever play anymore).

On a side note though, my mom once watched me play Diablo 2 and "liked the sounds the enemies made when I killed them." So yea.
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
It's too mentally challenging for my family to understand, I do get teased about it quite a bit..

(I mastered call of duty, but my brother still plays it, and I quit to come back to toribash, and he calls me gay for playing toribash)

I have the exact situation you're in. to the detail lmao
Veni , Vidi , Vici
I said it was a fighting game and my parents suggested street fighter

My friend's think i'm an ultra pro so I hope they never play and work out that i suck lmao
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
im a lone wolf, a social pariah, bane of normies, i dont have time for other people because i am superior in intellect and dexterity, with my double カタナs nobody ever fuck wit me or my clan

Holy shit you are one scary mofo! I think I might have wet myself.

To keep this post from being useless: I don't think my friends think I even still play Toribash. If they knew I still played it as much as I used to I would get so much chat.
Good morning sweet princess