FF7's too cliché of an answer, no matter how epic it was. Besides, teh whole random attack thingy got on my tits after a while.

I've spent an obscene amount of time on Oblivion & all the Neverwinter Nights games.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Fallout 1 and 2 are the ones that i found the most worthwhile. Very adult background story and lots of freedom on how to get the job done. FF was an OK game but i never had a Playstation myself so i only saw bits and pieces of VII

Edit: Shook, didnt see your post. Totally agree ;)
Last edited by Rutzor; Aug 23, 2008 at 07:43 PM.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
FF9 is really the most under-rated one out of all of them. Seriously, it blows FF8 out of the water, and is at least comparable to FF7.
GTA: San Andreas. It had amazing story and character-development, and you could increase your stats holy shit.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
but final fantasy tactics blows story wise.

Surely you're mentioning the toned down, kiddy-ish Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, right? The Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 had the most amazing story out of all of the Final fantasy games I've played, and I have a lot of Final Fantasy games under my belt. It also had a battle system in which random battles were actually as fun as the last 10 random battles if not moreso.
so ye ff7 FFXI owns and so does FFX
"Cheese ~ Milks giant leap toward immortality"
Originally Posted by GlacierMan View Post

Legend of the Dragoon

Final Fantasy 7

Both of those are pretty kick-ass. FF7 is considered to be the best RPG ever made, even when compared to modern day products, but I really liked LOD's storyline better, along with the Dragoon system, the leveling system, and a lot of the stuff used there. It also had fudge amazing graphical effects in the cutscenes, which is probably the main reason that it was split up on 4 discs. I also loved the addition systems, which added a real sense of skill to the game (particularly Albert's ridiculously fast spear moves) and there weren't any major flaws in it, especially for its era of games.

FF7 had a cool overdrive system, similar to SP in LOD, and the Materia system was very enjoyable and flexible because it actually allowed you to modify each spell (Say, leveling up a Bolt and adding an All to it) and it also had a very nice story. The variety in FF7 was a big plus with the various spells and attacks, and LOD was just overall amazing. I can't pick between them either =P

While I'm on a rambling streak here, FF4 was pretty awesome, the SaGa Frontier series were nice (except for the third and final game in those series), Chrono Trigger and Cross were good, FFX was nice with the variety, again (Why hallo thar mr. demonic aeon chained to prevent world destruction) and Oblivion was OK but Morrowind was better. Final Fantasy 10 II was also pretty nice because it was more light-hearted throughout the game as opposed to the others in the series, and it had a more interactive system, along with a CYOA-style storyline where you could skip and do whatever missions you wanted (unless they were crucial to the storyline)
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Aug 24, 2008 at 08:37 PM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.