How much do they actually plan to change this time except some tweaks here and there and minor changes with the perks and weapons and graphics, maps etc?

They've been using, practically the same engine since ever right?

Not that into COD anymore tbh.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
I played it some more. Found some good appreciation for the new mods. Infected is by far, my favorite. <3

Also, I don't think it is "better" or "worse" than bf4, although the two are quite different.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Moncho: The games are too different to compare. CoD is more of a fast paced game while battlefield is more oriented towards long battles.

Dagger: They're building a brand new engine, along with adding features like we've never seen before. If I've understood correctly thus far, I believe there will be an exo-suit on every character that allows for super-human strength, including jumping and running. I'm hoping all the new changes will be for the better, since it's SledgeHammer's first CoD release. Glad they're finally changing up the series a bit either way.

-Link: Infected is quite fun to joke around in with friends. I'd probably say my favorite new gamemode is Blitz. I think it's much more competitive than CTF was in the other games, as it doesn't require you to slay the whole team and then pull a flag back to your base. There are a lot of sneaky plays that can be made, like waiting around a corner and letting a few enemies walk by without killing them so they think that no one is behind them, then run in for the sneaky score. It can be quite fun.
You guys are bk's
Over 2.0 k/d
Over 3.5 w/l
Btw Cod 4 was the best cod of all time.
Ghost is a good cod but it falls under MW2. But extinction is really fun(only if you have a good team)
Black ops is the worst so far it was only good because of zombs.
Same as BO2 but the multiplayer was better and it didn't hurt playing with the #1 clan in BO2 TGNM if you don't believe me looked at COD ELITE and the zombs was still awesome.
Well, I could understand disliking Bo2 if you don't play competitive. That was by far the best competitive CoD there has been yet.

I'm assuming you're referencing your K/D and W/L from pubs, which I don't really dabble in. I won't flex my CoD muscles too hard, but I almost always drop 30 kills or more in Domination gb's. As Slayer/OBJ.

My main problem with the original Blops was the hit detection. Sometimes you could be putting 3 bullets into someone before they start connecting, it was pretty bad. I've never played extinction and only played zombies a few times. Not really my cup of tea, but I can understand how other people like it.

After more playing of Ghosts, here's where it lies in my list at this moment in time:

Bo2, Mw, Mw2, Mw3, Ghosts, WaW, Blops.

I think AW is going to be one of the best CoD's yet. I really hope SledgeHammer does good, and continues to bring good CoD's. For some reason I want them to be the ones that everyone waits for. Like "Ooooooh next year's CoD is going to be a SledgeHammer build! Awesome!". Which is kinda how I am with TreyArch right now after Blops 2, though they've only made the 2 games.
Last edited by Clay; Jul 2, 2014 at 05:23 AM.
They were actually part of a large collaboration for CoD: WaW, as well as 2 and 3. But I was counting games that were known to be made by Treyarch mainly, which would be Blops 1 and 2.
Yea your right they are known for Bops 1 and 2. I was just saying that they did the others cods as well.

But Rip infinity ward
Modern warfare's <3
Okay so I'll be making a new thread when AW comes out. I have an updated list as far as best to worst CoDs in my opinion.

Bo2, Mw, Mw2, Mw3, WaW, Blops, Ghosts.

The reason Ghosts is at the back is just purely how many problems there are and have been with the game. In general, there is a HUGE internet disadvantage. What I mean by that is if you have bad internet (5mbps down or so) and someone else has good internet (50mbps down or so), and you get in a gunfight, the person with the better internet will 1. Have better hit detection with their bullets, and 2. See you before you see them. This gives them an extreme advantage and you can almost never beat them in a fair gunfight. There's also the fact that there are a bunch of glitches in the game, such as the SnD bomb glitch. This glitch came about a few months ago, and basically it didn't allow you to plant or defuse the bomb sometimes. They patched this glitch, but a few weeks later they came out with a new update to bring new camos into the game, and that update brought the bomb glitch back into the game. I don't see how you can fix a glitch, and then come out with a new update that brings the glitch back. There are also a LOT of instances where sniper bullets do not hit the person, even though it's very clearly aimed at the character's chest. You can also sometimes not kill a person when hitting them in the head with a sniper bullet. As in you get a hit marker, but no kill.

I think the game will die out very quickly if AW is not good. From what I've seen, and from what I've heard from pro players that have played the game, it looks really fun, balanced, and is going to bring a whole new feel to CoD. I have very high hopes.