It is just a huge habit to say gg. Leads to a lot of problems. You have to realize that mockery is just what you are thinking. When someone says gg on a bad game, it doesn't mean they are being mean. Took me awhile to get over myself. ;)
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by ImaDestroytor View Post
But some times my oponet is a shit in-game, so is basically not gg, right ?

because if i says gg for a player of i thinks is like a shit, i lied... '-'

best example of this is probably my startcraft time when i was still a noob and couldnt counter rushes.
play 10 games 6 of them zergrushes.
you say gg anyway its a sign of respect even though their tactic might be "lame" or whatever, its a competetive game and most people ( atleast in public servers ) will use stuff thats effective. this includes: running tripodding and shoveling.
if you dont prefer to play that way find some friends ingame / forums with the same vision of gameplay ( pretty much what i did with joining fl0w and later creating hoax with my friends )

for me personally i only dont write gg when its the same 3-4 guys playing eachother and the chat is spammed with gg´s since its pretty much pointless once you know the people.
[06:53]Sissykick: my friend was the hottest drag queen in the group.
If I am pissed after losing a game and somebody says GG I just reply with 'Sure.' I don't want to say GG because it wasn't a good game but sayin Sure is kind of saying "If you think it is then It is."
Originally Posted by ImaDestroytor View Post
Hello guys...

So today i'm here to talk about "gg"...I know right is a normal thing says gg after you lose or win.

But i'm tireddddd of gg + gg +gg


I know gg is Good Game, but i guess you have to says gg when is gg.
Not all after fights :/

bg when is a bad game and silent when is nothing.


I find this topic ironic coming from you, who would stop in the middle of a duel and refuse to continue until I said "gg" after every match.

On topic, the phrase "gg" has been used so much that it is to the point where it doesn't even mean good game anymore. It's just something to say after every game. Consequently, when you say it after every game, it means nothing when there is actually a good game.
GG's pretty great, because it has so many meaning without being obvious as to which you mean.

GG - good game... Yeah it really was.
GG - sarcasm, it really wasn't
GG - lol you suck but I'm going to pretend to be nice
GG - while you're busy reading this I'm going to kill your family

Etc etc etc

But yeah, it's just common courtesy in games to say it, pretty much part of the culture online. Doesn't matter how you mean it, it's just that thing you do.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you