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[GM] Dreamcatching


The boundary between "reality" and the realm of dreams and fantasy is not clearly defined. Every so often, entities may cross over; as those in reality may one day vanish without a trace, so too may an errant thought gain substance, and become real, if only for a moment. There is a high price for the capture of materialized dream figments, for those who seek the secrets of the imagination have little use for wealth.

Rewards will be offered for the capture of dream figments. Payments are received in the form of Shiai Tokens, which can be later exchanged for other items.

The top three contenders will receive the following:

1st place: 10 ×

2nd place: 7 ×

3rd place: 3 ×

Submissions will be judged by the GM team.

How does one capture a dream figment? Being products of the imagination, they are naturally attracted to other substances of the same type. The most potent method of capture seems to be the composition of a tale; they crave them, and once ensnared, that figment becomes bound to that particular tale.

Your task is simple. The recent lawsuit has attracted attention from figments of mischief. Compose a tale of dark humour, and you may be rewarded for the dream figment that binds itself to your tale.

Be aware, however, that figments are not to be taken lightly. If you should produce a tale of inadequate quality, you will find the misfortune will follow. It is advisable to make full use of your competency as a talespinner, rather than to act with haste.

·Posts have a character limit of five thousand characters, meaning that your submission will not fit in a reply. You will need to submit either an attachment, or a link to your story.
·The theme is dark humour, here defined as 'presenting tragic or harrowing situations in comic terms'. If you have any doubts as to whether or not something is acceptable for submission, don't hesitate to ask via PM.
·Free verse poetry is not accepted. Submissions of narrative poetry must be of structured forms of your choosing.
·Poems excepted, all submissions must be at least two thousand words in length.

You have one month from the date that this post is made available to submit your entry. The deadline is at midnight (UTC/GMT), the fifth of May.
Last edited by Wight; Apr 5, 2014 at 02:39 AM.
4 hours later am i am done
has my entry, ty for a fine comp Wight.
hats off(or should i say hats on) for the U an all the gmteam judges.
ps - actually heard from the lawyers ---SLUMLORD66 has advised me that he is willing to set up an offshore account for each of u to manage the bribes, @ only 14%.
Last edited by judd666; Apr 14, 2014 at 06:55 PM. Reason: further legal advice (re rate increase)
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Originally Posted by B4CKST4B View Post
Also another question, are we allowed to go past 2000 words in the story?

Yes, you are.
Originally Posted by Wight View Post
Do note that 2000 is the minimum word count, and not the maximum (but don't kill me with a doorstopper, please!)

i just subjected my entry to a wordcount, an it scored 2160. I trust that those onehundred and sixty lil words wont hold any doors shut.
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