Don't understand the dislike for hacked replays, just because most people can't hack doesn't make it any less impressive.
It's all about the aesthetics, and the first replay was brilliant.
It's creative, and it's well executed.
Movement seemed a tad off, although I can't tell why but overall great replay.

Preferred Masks P2, manip was excellent, and in masks 1 the lead up to the decap was great, but the actual kick felt weak given the momentum.
In P2, the hits were great, save the last one, felt like it should've dm'd.
Lovely movement and speed.

Couldn't tell "Too Legit" was hacked until I saw the post about it, kudos.
Agree that the fact it's hacked in this case may slightly diminish it, but to be honest, if one can hack, then do it, you can make some super cool stuff, as is evident here.

Gorp was really nice too, first hit was beautiful, 2nd hit seemed iffy because ground hits are a bit hit and miss.
Can't wait to see the final product though

woo comments

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
you should submit that replay for highest speed

nice linvel hacking though, very well played ;o

But in all honesty, I really loved the replay. It was nicely played out in general, and you could barely tell anything was off about it, other then the sudden 43 speed to 171
the position change from 386 to 385 was really obvious, but otherwise nicely done. I enjoyed how you boomed his glutes on the ground as if it were a ground impact.
I'm still intrigued though because it seems like a really strange idea to hack something and make a chest boom -> crotch boom replay with it.
oh yeah
Okay I really don't enjoy this replay that much people do chest into crotch hits all the time

a hacked one ok

im all for hacking and all because it can be really cool

but, this is not the case because people do this all the time without hacking
The first hit could have been really cool even hacked it could have been really cool
you crushed the dms though unless you pulled some nuthug magician shit because i edited the frame before the dms and i only got the right pec

the second hit is too messy and I was too lazy to check if you crushed the dms on that one.

your hacking is good but you could use it to do something awesome instead of something people do every week
Originally Posted by Eboy50 View Post
Hacking make replays worse in my opinion. :/

No one cares about your opinion.

Anywho, hacking was very smooth. At a first glance it dosen't even seem hacked.

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Last edited by Erth; Jan 31, 2014 at 09:15 PM.